His Ex • Harry

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Can you come upstairs? x
Not really. I don't want to see you right now.
Why not? I haven't done anything? x
Harry, those photos really upset me. You were close to Kendall when you were on a yacht with me. What type of boyfriend does that to his girlfriend?

I promise they never meant anything. She was just a friend and Kris and mum were insisting we take some photos together to keep as a keepsake from the holiday.
If it helps, mum has loads of the two of us.
Which will probably end up being leaked as well. x

Harry, you promised you weren't even just close friends like that.
I know you're friends and I know you get on – I get on with her as well – but this is just so upsetting. I've never seen these photos before and I'm finding them from your mum's phone. By your fans.
I just don't want to see you right now. I'll sleep on the sofa. And we'll see how everything goes in the morning.
Just come upstairs. x
(Y/N), please come upstairs.
I have something for you.
I want to make tonight all about you.
(Y/N), I can see you in the garden. You look freezing Just come upstairs and we can talk about this.
I have something for you. x
I'll leave what I got for you in the bedroom. I'm going to go and work on painting the walls of our spare room. That needs doing before I forget and leave the dust sheet covering the floor. x
If you need me, I'll be in there.
I love you. x
* *
"Harry, I really don't want to see you right now. Can you stop texting me?" You grumbled, your feet carrying you up the stairs and standing outside of the main bedroom. "I'm serious, you know that? I'm so angry with you," you added, your hand wrapping around the doorknob of the bedroom, pushing it open with your knee and coming face-to-face with an empty room.
A room that was left entirely the same from that morning. The sheets were ruffled and the bed was still unmade, your pyjamas were balled up and set upon your pillow along with the t-shirt that Harry had slept in through the night. A pair of his dirty boxers left at the foot of the bed after his moment of teasing when he – as seductively as he could – removed his boxers and proceeded to walk to the bathroom in the nude. It was when everything was fine and dandy and there had been no worries about anything; the atmosphere was happy and there were giggles and laughter all around.
Yet, it was only an hour after the two of you had roused completely from sleep, that the leak from his mothers iCloud on her phone had taken place with private holiday photos and home photos were taken and posted online with no consent from Anne. And the mood between the two of you had changed, as he continued to scroll through his timeline, disgruntled and angry that photos from his and his family's private time were being used for others pleasure.
Yet what struck you the most were the photos of him and Kendall – an ex girlfriend of which you felt just as intimidated by – and it pulled at your heartstrings at how happy they looked together on a night on the yacht that you were to spend together as you counted down to New Year; evident by the outfit he was wearing. The patterned two pieces – the button up shirt and the floral shorts – was the attire he had left your room in, showing his legs and knowing just how weak at the knees he was making you. The photos were enough to bring a twang of jealousy in your body as soon as the low quality photos had come into your vision, and you couldn't help but react in a way that Harry wasn't expecting.
The cold shoulder.
No response.
"Harry, where are you?" You wondered, stepping upon the carpet of the bedroom and walking over towards the closed door of the en-suite bathroom, your hand brushing across the Lush bag hanging from the door handle. "Harry, what's this? Are you in the bathroom? Can I come in?"
As you knocked against the white wood of the bathroom door with your knuckle, you were oblivious to Harry appearing in the doorway behind you, a cough leaving his throat and emitting from his mouth.
"M'not in the bathroom. I was in the spare room," his voice came from behind you, your body turning on your heels with your head tilted up to look where he was standing. A paint splattered t-shirt covering his upper body with a pair of his old and white sports shorts hanging down from his hips, his hair pulled back into a bun and his hairline shining from the thin layer of sweat forming upon his skin. "Didn't you read my texts?"
"No. With your constant messaging, I set it aside and relaxed for a bit," you murmured, taking in his solemn appearance. His green eyes weren't as bright as they used to be and the corners of his lips seemed to frown down a little more than usual, frown lines forming on his forehead. "I'm sorry. That was rude. I just didn't want to talk about it and I just needed a bit of a break from it," you mumbled, looking down at the Lush bag hanging off of your finger. "Is this uhm, is this for me?"
The distinct smell of lavender wafting from the inside of the bag and up through your nose.
"Yeah. I went out about an hour or two ago and brought you a couple of your favourite bath bombs, some ice cream and chocolate which are downstairs, and there's a bouquet of flowers on the windowsill in the living room that I brought and put in a vase for you," he smiled sheepishly, his voice trailing off as he watched your stare stay upon the contents inside the bag.
Your favourite flowers budding upon the windowsill above the sink, beside smaller pots of flowers that you had been gifted from Gemma or your parents when they came to visit the two of you, or even Anne who had taken to growing flowers in her flower garden, giving her and Robin and excuse to pop to London on the train to see her two children and their respected partners.
"Harry," you gasped.
"It's just a small apology. I hate it when you're angry with me," he admitted softly, his arms folded across his chest with his shoulder leaning against the doorframe of the bedroom. "I got the right ones, didn't I?"
You gave him a swift nod.
The smell was familiar and you knew he'd gone out of his way to buy more than you needed, adding to the already full box of Lush bombs sitting in the cupboard beneath the sink.
"Harry, you didn't have too," you whispered, the sound of the floorboards creaking beneath his footsteps making you look up from the bag. "Harry, oh my god. I love you so much."
"Am I forgiven?" He whispered, an almost smile on his face.
"You've been forgiven this whole time. I was just a bit upset with myself for being so angry with you over something so tiny," you murmured, setting the bag upon the bed and holding your arms open, waiting for the almost 6-foot tall man to become engulfed by your arms. "I shouldn't have gotten so upset. I know you're just friends."
Just friends indeed, after much consolation from the two of them in your time of doubts. Pulling you to the side one night out, Kendall had explained that she had no intentions of getting with Harry and that she was happy the way she was in her own status and that she knew you would be the one to settle with Harry and keep him grounded for years to come, putting your worries to bed with a smile and a hug and a promise to buy you a vodka and orange as well as going in together to buy shots.
"She wouldn't ever try to worm her way between us either, love. She knows you're pretty much the one for me," he grinned, his body hunching over and pulling you into his arms, your own wrapping around his neck. "I love you too, by the way."
"Do you want to come and have a bath with me? We can put these bath bombs to some good use," you suggested, looking over his arm and peeking at the bag upon the bed.
"I've still got some painting to do, but, I can sit in the bathroom with you for a while, if you want me too," he smiled, his chin resting upon your shoulder and letting out a hearty and content sigh. "You deserve to be treated nicely today."
And treated nicely indeed.
A massage, a bath together, a cuddle or becoming freaks beneath the sheets.
Anything that you wanted because he knew it was all about you after such a day that lead stress and those worries to be brought back up.
"But, you can treat me nicely in the bath," you smirked, looking up at him as he retracted his head from your shoulder.
"You're so cheeky," he whispered, a smirk on his face. "We'll see how I feel after I've finished the spare bedroom. If I don't finish today, I'll never get finished," he chuckled, pressing his lips to your forehead. "Would you like me to go and run you the bath and you can go down and get your chocolate and the ice-cream?"
"Best boyfriend ever, you know that?"
"I try," he grinned, snaking his hands to the curve of your bum, his fingers squeezing at your cheeks and earning a jolt of your body to knock against the front of his body. A cheeky touch that was enough to send sparks through your veins and a blush to form and paint your cheeks with a pink colour.
"Oi, cheeky!"
* *
Watching as the bath bomb fizzled in the water, you stood beside him with a towel wrapped around your body, tucked neatly under your arm. A comfortable silence filling the large room, the echo of running water being the only sound heard over your breathing. His arm wrapped around your shoulders as you waited for the water to fill to a decent level, before you reached to turn the knobs down to stop the water completely. A grin on your lips.
"This smells so good," you groaned happily, discarding the towel from your nude body and stepping into the water with the help from Harry. His hand holding your tightly until you begun to sink below the painted purple water and closing your eyes, blocking the light from the bathroom and emitting into darkness. "Lavender oil is just the most divine smell ever, isn't it?"
"It does smell pretty lovely," Harry smiled from his position on the rug beside the tub, his hand submerged beneath the water and completely disappearing beneath the purple top. "I'll tell you what smells even better though."
"Your body. It becomes so soft and sweet-smelling after one of these Lush baths, when we're cuddled up in bed and you're laid on top of me and your shoulder just smells so good," he admitted, a grin on his lips as he laid his chin upon his arm. His green eyes staring intently at you with a smile upon his lips, his teeth showing, and his face soft and warm.
"That's why you're always kissing my shoulders in bed," you giggled, tickling your fingers up his cheek. He was usually found biting and suckling upon your skin normally, and you were always confused as to why it was always after your baths. His nose always tucked into the crook of your neck, where the smell of lavender seemed to linger more than on any other part. "You're so lovely to me, you know that? I'm so lucky to have you."
"Nonsense, you donut. You're my girlfriend and I love you to pieces. It's my job to look after you and make amends when something happens," he whispered. He was always considered the peace maker between the two of you, with his mind always knowing the best ways to go in creating peace between the two of you and mediating the arguments to make sure you never went to bed angry at one another and to make sure you never left the little spat between you unattended and unsolved.
"You need to go and finish some painting," you pointed out, cupping his chin in your palm and running your wet thumb across his cheek. "You look very fit covered in white paint, doing some housework, you know that? It's quite a little turn on for me, if I'm going to be honest. I might have to come and watch you paint some walls," you smirked, his head lifting from his forearm.
"You're so bloody cheeky. What happened to my sweet and innocent and virgin girlfriend, hm?" Harry smirked, pushing himself up and standing to his socked feet. His knees cracking as he straightened up, brushing his hand over your hair and chuckling as the knotted strands stuck up. A frown sitting on your face as you swatted his wrists away from your head. "What happened, hm?"
"You took it from me and corrupted my innocence," you grinned up at him, your smiling and crinkled face sending sparks through his body. "You made a mess upon my innocence."
"Mm-hm. Clever. Quote my lyrics. I'll get you sued for tha'," he smirked, pushing his hand beneath the water level and splashing the purple water up, the droplets landing upon your cheeks and catching you with surprise.

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