Soundtrack Series • Take Me Home • Back For You

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Harry: "As soon as these shows are over, I'm getting on a plane," he says and you smile. You know what he means but you're feeling playful. "Taking another vacation? Do you ever actually work?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah, shut it," he counters with, and you cover your mouth to conceal your laughter. "Whoa with your sass," you reply, a smile still on your face. "I'm sorry, but you know as well as I do that I'm not going on vacation." Of course you did, and you can't believe he didn't pick up on your sarcasm. "Well, when was the last time you went on vacation? You probably need one." You're going to keep this going as long as you can since he doesn't seem to be picking up on the joke. "You're being ridiculous." You can't help but laugh now. "Yeah, but it's just so funny when you don't catch on," you finally reveal. "That's because I don't ever expect you to be malicious," he tells you. "Malicious? What kind of world are you living in Harry Styles?" You question with a laugh. "A world that's about to not have you in it if you don't stop laughing at me." "Wow, that was low," you say, trying your best to act hurt. "You have to learn your lesson somehow," he tells you, but you know there's a smile on his face. "You are so full of yourself Mr. Styles." "I learn from the best, now what are you going to get into tonight?" "I'm going to ignore that comment like I know you want me to, and as for tonight, I won't be doing a whole lot. There's a birthday party I could go to, but I'm not sure anyone there will be very interesting." "Whose party?" "Bella Hadid," you answer honestly, honestly hating having to name drop. "And you don't want to go?" Of course that's a question he would ask; parties like this are his scene. You weren't even sure how you had gotten invited. You had simply received an email from your mom's assistant telling you that Bella was having a birthday and wanted you to come. You're sure your name didn't actually come out of her mouth seeing as you had only met her on a couple of occasions at events where the modeling and music industries collaborated for the night. "I'm just not sure about it. There's going to be a lot of people who I know, that have no idea who I am or why I am there." "That's not true, there are plenty of people who know who you are." You wish you could argue with him on this but you simply can't. "All the more reason to stay at home," you joke. "Well that makes no sense. You didn't want to go because no one would know you and now you don't want to go because everyone will actually know who you are." "Oh no, none of the people there will know me. Everyone outside of the place, the ones that take all of the pictures of the people going in and pop them up in the magazines will know exactly who I am." "And you just don't want to be in the magazines." "Exactly." Harry knows you. He knows the last place you want to end up after a night out is in the pages of a gossip magazine. He knows you've worked hard to stay out of them, even though befriending him hasn't always been the best way to do that. "Then don't go. That'll just mean more time I get to talk to you." "Yeah, you don't have a show tonight, do you?" "Nope, so you better settle in." You laugh at him. You love when talks between the two of you can be playful, relaxed, and slightly flirtatious. It hurts, but sometimes you just want to feel the butterflies.
Liam: You were just getting used to waking up to him. He wasn't in the bed this morning, though. In fact, he hadn't been in the flat for a while. He was touring around you, yet still not able to come home at night. In all honesty, it sucked. You enjoyed the company he brought into your life, you always have. Things are just different now since you have been staying with him. But you've had to get used to tour life before. This was a completely different outlook on the lifestyle though. You used to go on the road with him all of the time, flying all over the world to watch him perform. You're home without him now. You miss him; you just can't help it. You know what will help this. You get up out of bed. It was still fairly early. You know he would be up though. His gym sessions always end around this time. You reach under your pillow to get your phone, removing the chord to stop its charging. "Fancy hearing from you at this time of the morning," Liam says as soon as he answers your request to FaceTime. "I'm almost always up at this time," you reveal to him. "Then how come we never FaceTime after I get back?" It was a valid question, but you had a valid answer. "Because I woke up missing you this morning," you tell him. There is no need to beat around the bush with your emotions with him. He would catch on quicker than it would take for you to come up with a lie. You're no stranger to telling him that you miss him, you used to do it all of the time. "I'm coming back soon," he assures you. "I know you are, and I don't really know why it's just now hitting me. You haven't been here all week. "You just miss not getting to sleep next to a hunk every night," he teases, and you smile. "How did you know Andy had been sleeping in your bed while you were gone?" You counter quickly to get him back for his comment. The smile on his face immediately turns sour, and you can't help but laugh. "Don't be so full of yourself, Payno." He mocks your request with a scrunched face and then moves on to another hot topic between you. "You know you could always come on the road. There is plenty of room on my bus for you." "I know, but I mean, I was there every night at the O2. I think if I came back everyone would get sick of seeing me fairly quickly." "Not me," he counters. "You aren't the only one there though, Liam," you acknowledge. "The only one that matters to you." He's so quick with his answers, but of course you've had this conversation before. "Well I don't know if that is entirely true or not, but I have to be considerate to everyone else, even if you aren't going to be. No one wants to see me walking around backstage every single day. Your fans don't want to see me there night after night, especially after everything that has happened. They're already upset I'm staying here." "Don't be ridiculous." It was true. Being around Liam for as long as you had, you were very much aware of the wrath they carry. However, none had ever come upon you until you decided to ignore Liam while you were with Mark. The fans had turned on your then. Liam was making it blatantly obvious every single night on stage how much he cared about you, and they wanted a response from you. When they didn't get one you made their list. And being on that list is never a good thing. You're going to have to work hard to get back off of it, and you know that won't happen if you stifle them with your presence. "You're coming back; that's all I have to keep in mind."
Niall: Finally home for the day. You had been at Stephen's place since six this morning, and the sun had come and gone before you could get back to your own place. You had missed a call from Niall, but when you had tried to return it as you were leaving Stephen's he didn't pick up. Typical conflict of schedules. Hopefully he would be up for a late night call. You had sent a few texts to him this morning, but other than that communication between the two of you had been silent today. You put your phone down on the counter, but place the call on speaker as you meander through the kitchen to find something to eat. "Hi," he answers sleepily. You had to wake him but you really wanted to hear his voice. "Hi, sleepyhead," you say with a smile. You hear him sitting up in his bunk, as best he can, to wake himself up long enough to talk. "How was your day?" He asks. "I'm guessing it was long." "Oh, yes. Worked another sixteen hour day." "Those aren't fun." You weren't going to surprise him with a long workday, he and the boys were the kings of long workdays. "Long days mean getting closer to finishing, so I'll take as many as I can," you tell him, wanting to low-key assure him that you weren't going to be on this project for much longer. "Don't work too much. I would like for you to be functional when I come back over in a few days." You turn to the phone, only to be reminded his words were coming through a phone. He was coming to see you, he had told you this before but you had let it slip your mind. "Before Dubin, right?" You were trying to think back to what he had told you. "Yeah, I've got four days between Birmingham and those shows, so I'll be over to see you then." Excitement fills your heart at the thought of seeing him again without having to have a single trace of Stephen in your mind. It will be just like it used to be. "I can't wait to see you," you admit. You know you haven't said that to him in a long time. You'd rather not even think about all of the things you haven't done for him while being in New York. You'll hate yourself even more. "I can't wait to be back with you; it's been too long." You couldn't agree with him more. "What are you doing now?" He quickly questions, making sure to keep the conversation going so that he doesn't fall asleep. "Finding something to eat before I head to bed. I haven't eaten since breakfast and I'm starving." "And let me guess, there's nothing in the kitchen." He knew you so well. "I told you New York would be a great place for me because of all of the late night takeaway." "I can only imagine what the fridge looks like," he says with a drowsy laugh. "You don't want to; it would make you sad." "You're probably right." You know he hates the sight of an empty refrigerator. Silence falls and you know that if you do not say something he is going to be long gone. "Niall?" You begin softly, recognizing it's probably time to let him get back to sleep. "Yeah, babe," he says and you can tell he's drifting. "I love you, so much more than you will ever realize. You are my number one, and I cannot thank you enough for supporting me through all of this. I love you so much." "Where did all of that come from?" He inquires with a laugh. "I just thought I would remind you how much I care about you and appreciate you being in my life." "Well I love you too, so much."
Louis: He's at home on stage. His smile is telling you that he loves being up there. It's the last night in Glasgow, and the boys are all over the place tonight. It makes you so happy to see Louis up there having a great time. It makes you wonder, though. Why on earth would he need to have such on elaborate distraction, meaning you, if he can have so much fun on stage? Surely it isn't all just a front. He has genuinely been enjoying himself on this UK leg. You don't even want to think about if he is actually pretending beyond your relationship. You stand by the stage as the show continues. Harry is talking to the crowd, and the rest of the boys are making their way back to the main stage. Your eyes focus in on Louis as he crosses the catwalk to your side. "I love you," he shouts over the crowd. You blow him a kiss, and he winks as he walks by you. You hear the girls at the barricade behind you shriek. They know exactly who you are. "Did you get that?" You hear one of them shout. You can't help but smile. Yes, it was all for show, but what a show it was. Louis knows exactly what to do to keep things between you looking real. Your skills in that department aren't lacking either. He's been switching it up every show, but you are used to him acknowledging you at some point. As soon as you notice it you have been quick to send him something back. Today it was a kiss, yesterday it was an 'I love you'. Who knows what it will be in Birmingham? Something the fans will eat up, that's all you know. He was right when he said it would get easier. You don't mind the acting as much as you used to. It hurts when you think about it in-depth too much, but that will ease up eventually as well. You just need more time. He hasn't had a word to say about your 'acting', so you must be fairly believable. "That was so cute!" You hear another one scream out from behind you. "Yeah, you are so lucky!" You turn around and smile at the group behind you and can see the excitement light up in their eyes. "Thank you," you say to them as you comment on their sweet behavior. You turn back around to see Louis back on the main stage, a smile on his face as the next song begins. You're glad this is helping him. There was a time when you couldn't pay him to smile on stage. Turns out all he needed was you. Or really any distraction you're sure would have worked. You aren't sure what makes you so special. He doesn't even love you; why would he want to keep you around? You suppose the sex, but he could just tell you that, right? You could handle being told that sex was what he needed from you; the only thing he needed. "Hey!" You hear and you come out of your thoughts. Liam stands before you, a concerned look on his face. Harry runs behind him singing, but takes a look at you as he passes, seeing the solemn look on your face. 'Smile,' Liam mouths, and you bring one onto your face to assure him that you still could. He moves on down the catwalk once he knows that you are okay. Louis follows him, not bothering to look down at you this time. You watch as Harry gives him a look and walks over to your side. 'You okay?' He mouths, giving you the thumbs up. You hold your thumb up and smile, assuring him that everything was okay. The last thing you need is for Harry to catch on. You're around him constantly while on the road, so he can pick up on almost anything. He nods his head and moves on down the catwalk. You look down to the B stage and see Louis looking at you. You send him a kiss to let him know that he has nothing to worry about. At least you hope he doesn't.

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