Soundtrack Series • Take Me Home • C'mon C'mon

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Harry: The music isn't doing it for you tonight. It's just too loud. This drink isn't working either. It's strong, but you can't stand the taste. You can feel all of the eyes on you. That usually makes you drink more. It's the attention that not two weeks ago you craved. "You wanna dance?" You hear behind you. You turn around to see a new face. Strong jaw, and dark hair. You would go for him, usually. You would tell him 'yes' right now, but you just aren't into it. "No, thanks," you say taking another sip. He shrugs his shoulders and moves on. You finish out your drink, sitting it back on the bar you had gotten it from. You look over the pulsing crowd, drunken smiles everywhere. "Buy you another one?" You hear beside you. You look over your shoulder, this time to find a familiar face. "No, thanks." "What's wrong?" Aston asks as he steps up closer. "Just not feeling it tonight." He nods in understanding. "Want to get out of here?" You look up at him, expecting to hear him suggest going back to his place. "I mean like out to eat or something?" Oh. "Or a coffee, you like those too, right?" "Not this late," you say with a smile. "Alright, well then we won't do that. But do you want to get out of here?" You nod your head, and he holds his arm out for you to hold onto while you walk through the crowd to the exit. "So why come out if you didn't even want to be there?" He asks once you are out of the loud music. "Clear my head maybe?" You answer as you shrug your shoulders. "You came to the club to clear your head?" He questions with a slight laugh. "Don't make fun of me," you retort. "I can't help it, that just sounds like a ridiculous idea." You sigh and he laughs once again. "Oh, stop it, don't pout." "I'm not pouting!" You whine. "I think you are," he says with a smile. "Where are we going?" You inquire, changing the conversation. "Where ever you want to go," Aston answers. "I kind of want some pancakes," you reveal. "Then IHOP it is," he says with a smile. You continue to walk down the sidewalk holding onto Aston's arm. "So what's on your mind?" You look up at him confused. "That needed to be cleared," he explains further. "Oh, just some things," you answer vaguely. "No, you can't just say that. You know you have to actually tell me." "Why?" He gives you the 'oh please' look, and you sigh. "It's just a friend that came to visit me last week," you begin. "Okay, so what about him?" "I didn't say it was a him," you counter. "Oh stop, you know I know exactly who you are talking about. What has he done?" You stop on the sidewalk and let go of Aston's arm, looking up at him, and he only smiles. "People talk," he says, shrugging his shoulders and holding his arm back out for you to take. You grab onto him once again and continue to walk. "He showed up at my apartment last week, telling me about how much he loves me, even though he knows we aren't going to be together. He was trying to fix things between us because it's kind of been shit lately." "Okay, and what's the issue?" Aston inquires as the two of you finally arrive at IHOP. "The issue is that I want to be with him; he just doesn't know that because I'm too scared of ruining what we already have." Aston looks at you sympathetically. "I went to the club in hopes to forget about him for at least a couple of hours." "That didn't work, did it?" "No," you answer, hanging your head. The two of you are seated in a booth across from one another and Aston continues. "It'll work out. It's no secret that he likes you. You should tell him though, if anyone could make a relationship work it's you two."
Liam: You expected this call a few hours ago, but your preshow talk with him never came. You will admit you were disappointed. Not hearing his voice before bed was a sad feeling. You hadn't even finished your sleep when the phone rang. He wasn't going to let you go all night without talking with you. "Hi," you answer sleepily but with a smile. "Sorry I'm calling so late," he laments. You can tell he just came off stage just by the energy in his voice. "That's alright, I was expecting it," you answer. You sit up in the bed, knowing that if you laid down you would fall asleep on him. "How was the show?" You continue. "It was good. Typical show, you know?" "Yeah, I know." Small talk had never been the best between the two of you. There were so many things you all wanted to talk about with each other, but both of you were timid in bringing any of it up. "I really miss you," he says breaking the short silence that had fallen. "I miss you, too," you assure him. Nothing had changed in that area. Yes, you enjoyed staying at his place, but it made you miss him even more than you would if you were staying back home in your parent's house. You are constantly surrounded by his things, and not him. It hurts sometimes. "You should come out to the shows. You would love it out here." You knew this was coming. "I'm sure I would, but I've got to keep looking for flats over here," you tell him. You hadn't actually been looking very hard. You didn't want to leave this place, but you certainly couldn't stay. In no way was this the place you should be living. This is your friend's flat, and that's it. You aren't roommates, and you aren't in a relationship. You can't stay. "That shouldn't be a very high priority," Liam tells you, and you can't help but smile. You know he will fight you on this. "Liam, I can't stay here." "I don't see why not." You roll your eyes. "I do. I can't live with you." "Well you can, at least until tour is over." That technically isn't living with him. You smile. "Until tour is over," you repeat, agreeing with his statement. "I don't want to hear about you looking for anything else until tour is over." You laugh at his order. "I'm serious," he assures you, trying to make himself as stern as possible. "Oh, I know you're serious," you counter, still with laughter. "We will look for you one, together, alright? I know some of the best agents in the city." You appreciate his willingness to help you out in this. You knew finding a flat was going to be difficult for you, especially around this city. "Okay, thank you," you say with much gratitude. "Of course, you know I will always help you with everything you need," he tells you. You smile through your tiredness yet again. "I've got to get off of here, and I know you need to go back to sleep." Yes, yes you do. You've already yawned at least fifteen times during this conversation. "Alright, will I talk to you tomorrow?" You inquire, sure you know the answer already. "Of course you will. I promise to call earlier." "Don't worry about it; you call when you call." "Get some sleep," he tells you and you lay back down in the bed, covering up all of the way. "Night," you say as your eyes already begin to close. "I'll text you when I wake up," he adds. "Okay," you say sleepily. "I love you." A smile comes over your face but the exhaustion is taking over. Your eyes close completely and your hand relaxes around your phone.
Niall: You've got your keys in your hand as you walk down the corridor to your flat. It's been a long day trying to finish up the ins and outs of Stephen's place, and you are ready for bed. The keys jingle as you open the door and trudge into the lit flat. You must have forgotten to turn the light off when you left early this morning. As soon as you close the door you hear dishes being moved around in the kitchen. Your eyes grow wide as you walk over to investigate. You turn the corner and stop. "Niall?" Your boyfriend turns from the cabinet to see you staring at him in confusion. "It's about time you got here," he teases as he sits down the cups he was getting to walk over to you. "What are you doing here?" You inquire as his arms lace around your waist. "Well I told you I was going to try and visit more now that we are over here doing shows. This is me doing that," he explains with a smile, proud that he could make this happen. "Yeah, but I kind of expected you to tell me you were coming," you acknowledge. "But surprising you is better," he assures you. You smile up at him, not being able to hold one back now that he is in front of you. You wrap your arms around him and hold him tightly. It's been far too long since this has happened. "What are you making?" You question, once you realize that the kitchen is full of amazing smells. "Dinner," he answers simply. You roll your eyes at his answer and pull back from him so he can finish. "I'm going to go change," you tell him, and walk out of the kitchen and back to your bedroom. You empty the pockets of your jeans, sitting your phone on the bed. You watch as it lights up while you're changing pants. 'You left your bag over here, I'll bring it over if you want.' Your eyes grow wide, knowing Stephen's probably halfway out his door by now and on his way to you. 'No, don't worry about that. I'll get it later,' you send back quickly. 'Are you sure you don't need anything in it? Your wallet is in there.' You aren't sure how long Niall is going to be visiting, but you know it won't be long. You can suffice without your bag for a few days if need be. 'I'll get it next time I'm over.' You get nothing in return from him and hope he stays at his place. You quickly change into more comfortable clothing and get back to the kitchen. "When did you get in?" You ask, getting up on the stool across from him. "Not too long ago," he assures you as he puts his attention back on the food on the burner in front of him. "How are the shows going?" You hadn't been able to keep up with any of the updates his fans had been posting about the North American tour. You're sure he knows this, but you know you need to ask about it. "They've been sick so far, a really great time," he tells you with excitement in his voice. You know he loves what he does; you've always been able to see it. "You should come to one while we're over here," he tells you, turning from the food to look at you. You smile at him. You know you won't be able to go to a show for a while. Work is consuming all of your time and to be honest, going to one of your boyfriend's shows is not your top priority.
Louis: The flight was long and security was slow. You're through, though, and on your way to the baggage claim. You've never been to this airport before, thanks to the idea the group had to go to places they had never been before. You follow the signs all the way to your bag, checking your phone along the way. Louis is supposed to be picking you up but since he hasn't answered any of your messages you can't be entirely sure. You walk over to the conveyor, your eyes scrolling over the bags as you search for a familiar one. You wait by the belt for almost fifteen minutes before finally spotting your bag. You drag it off and sit it by your side. You look around once your bag is by you, not a familiar face in sight. You pull your phone back out of your pocket and decide to call instead of text. You wait for a few rings, unsure you will get an answer. Finally the rings stop and you actually get an answer. "I'm coming," he says abruptly. "Oh, okay. Do you want me to just stay in front of the baggage claim?" You question, unsure of exactly where he is. "I'm walking in the door right now," he tells you and you look over at the double doors a ways down. You smile as you see him walk into the airport. "Okay, I see you," you tell him. You watch as he turns towards you and hangs up. You put the phone down as well and walk towards him. By the time you reach him there are people around him wanting photos. "Alright, guys I've got to go," he tells the small group that had formed. You smile at him and you watch as he forces one onto his face. "Ready?" He asks you, taking your bag from you. You nod your head take his hand. The two of you walk out into the hot air and over to the car he had waiting for you. You get into the back, and he puts your bag in the trunk. He opens the door to get in the backseat and the driver follows to take his place behind the wheel. There is silence between you as the driver pulls off. You've been apart for so long that you aren't even sure where to begin a conversation. You're getting the impression that he isn't going to be the one to start one. "I wasn't sure I was ever going to make it through customs," you tell him, trying your best to start any sort of talking between you. "Were there a lot of people on your flight?" "Yeah, it was full." Silence. Well that didn't work. You aren't sure the reason for his quiet demeanor, but you're certain it has something to do with your situation. You just lost your dad. He probably isn't sure how to console you. You remain on opposite sides of the backseat. Normally you would meet one another in the middle. He's already told you how sorry he is about your dad, so he probably isn't sure of what else to say other than that. "So there's a show tonight?" You continue. He nods. "Are you excited for it?" He turns to you, a half smile on his face. "Yeah, I think it's going to be a good time." "Good. Are we going to stay on the bus or in the hotel?" You know he doesn't like all of the questions, but you really have no other way of talking to him. "Whatever you want." He had always given you this option but the offer never sounded indifferent like it did just then. "We can just stay in the bus, I know you like it on there better." He gives you a full smile this time as he places his hand over yours. It's a small gesture, but he's showing his compassion nonetheless.

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