Soundtrack Series • Take Me Home • Rock Me

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Harry: You've woken up beside of him before, plenty of times to be exact. But things feel different now. You don't feel like you can wrap your arms around him as you continue to wake up from your sleep. This is something you used to not even think about doing; you just did it. You want to hold him, with every fiber of your being you want to hold him right now. You just want things to go back to the way they were. Last night he knocked on the door and waited for you to let him in. You can't even remember the last time you let him into your apartment. He had also called from the car as he was leaving the airport to let you know he was on his way. Things definitely were not the same between you. You roll over on your side, opposite of him. You should really just get up. There's no sense in lying here any longer and making things even more awkward for you. You get up and out of the bed, making sure to do it carefully so he could stay asleep. "How long do you think he will sleep?" Sydney asks once you are out in the hallway. She was across from you in the bathroom. "However long he wants to, I guess," you answer as you shrug your shoulders. "I get a feeling you don't usually leave him in bed by himself, or at least you didn't used to." She is quick. "I didn't used to do a lot of things with him around," you admit, standing in the doorway of the bathroom. "Like what?" "Well I would have never actually gotten up and answered the door knowing he was on the other side. He would never even knock; he always just came in. He never used to call me, yet he called me as soon as he got in the car yesterday. And yeah, you're right, I would have never left him in there alone. I would have stayed in bed with him until he woke up. One of us would have our arms around the other and we would more than likely just sleep there all day." "You're acting like you're different people now," Sydney observes. "I guess we are," you assume. "I don't really think so," she begins, drying her hands and walking towards you and out into the hallway to the kitchen. You follow her to hear what else she has to say. "You've just never had to address your true feelings for him before because he's always had that girl around," she reveals. You shake your head. "You can shake your head all you want, but you know, deep down, that it's the truth. You two love each other, more than either of you are willing to admit. It's driving me crazy, so I can only imagine how the two of you are handling it." Not well. "You want all of these things from each other, but neither of you have the balls to actually tell the other." You say nothing as you allow her to continue, knowing she has a lot more to say. "And that time he asked you to be with him and you turned him down, I still shake my head at that." You do, too. You should have taken him up on that as soon as the request came out of his mouth. You didn't though, and now you regret it every day. You feel stupid for saying 'no', but you feel even worse about wanting to come back to him even after saying no. "Why would he want me after I told him I didn't want to be in a relationship with him?" You question out loud, continuing your own thoughts. "He loves you! That just doesn't go away." Sure it does, you think to yourself. You hear your door open and the two of you fall silent. Harry walks into the kitchen with a sleepy smile on his face. "Morning," he greets the both of you. Sydney smiles slightly and you turn to him and do the same. "Lovely morning welcome," he teases as he sits down beside you and the tension in the room grows even more. Surly he feels it too.
Liam: It is one of the best memories you have with Liam. You were at home, back in Wolverhampton, and the two of you were sitting outside by the fire pit in your garden. He was talking about the first time the two of you met, and his first impression of you. "I remember thinking, 'wow she's really nice, I want to be friends with her' and now look where we are." You'd heard the story a million times, but every time he told it you always listened as if it were the first time. You would always counter his story with your first impression of him. The two of you met at school many, many years ago, and the first thing you remember thinking about him was how impressive his ambition was. He always had a strong will to make everything better, not only himself, but everything around him. You admired that so much. A class project had brought you together, but once you clicked, you were inseparable. Liam doesn't believe your story about his ambition. He's sure it was his good looks and charm that got you hooked. You vowed to let him think whatever he wanted. You would just smile and nod your head. Thinking back to that time now that you sit in the living room of his flat, it's no wonder you're here. Of course you were going to stay by his side. The two of you were always meant to be in each other's lives. You feel immediate guilt for staying mad at him for so long. You were caught up in the moment, but you still cannot believe you hadn't thought about the night around the fire not once while you were with Mark. Looking back, that isn't a relationship you wanted to be in anyways. It wasn't that Mark was deliberately making sure you didn't think about Liam, in fact he encouraged it at some points. It was just that being in a relationship with him distracted you from Liam. That wasn't fair. Liam has been your best friend since primary school, no one should come in between you. You look over at the coffee table as your phone begins to buzz across it. "Hi," you answer with a smile. Of course he calls right in the middle of you in deep thought about him. "What are you up to?" He questions as he always does. "Just sitting on the couch thinking." "You're always thinking," he admits. "Yeah, well, I've got a lot to think about these days," you joke, but are more serious than not. "Like what?" He pokes. "Well to be honest I was thinking about that night around the fire at my house a few summers ago," you admit. "A few summers ago? Love that's been ages," he informs you. Putting more thought into the years, he's right. It has been six years since that night. "Feels just like yesterday," you admit. "I think about that night all of the time. We didn't do anything but sit there all night and talk, but that's one of the best memories I have of the two of us," he tells you and you smile. "I feel the same way. It's the first place I go to when I think about us." "I like the way that sounds," he says honestly. "Of course you do." "I mean it (y/n). Whatever we are, whatever we are going to be, we are meant to be in each other's lives. And just hearing you say that you think about us, that just means that how I feel about you is right." "How do you feel about me?" You inquire. "All you have to do is think back to that night."
Niall: You are very bold in allowing him to be at your place right now. Niall has two days off from tour, yet he's told you he's chosen to stay and check out Canada. You're going by his words, even though you know he could show up in New York at any moment. Now that he's on your mind you have to express your feelings to Stephen. You haven't explained your reasoning for not showing up to work on his place last week, and he hasn't asked. You're thankful for that. It's taken you this long to even come up with words to say to him. "I have to talk to you," you say, breaking the silence between you and Stephen. He turns to face you as he sits opposite you on the couch. "I love Niall," you begin. You immediately see a change in his demeanor. It's like you just jabbed a knife into his side. He now knows what this conversation is going to be about and he looks defeated already. He remains silent; he isn't going to fight this right now. He's going to let you talk. You continue, "I have loved Niall since I was sixteen. I wasn't lying when I said I enjoy your company, but it's not without me wishing it was Niall instead of you." More silence falls between you. You want to keep going, you have so much to say, but you want to give Stephen a chance to say something, anything at all. When nothing comes on his end, you continue. "I know you don't know him personally, not a lot of people get that pleasure. But Stephen, he's great. Not once has he ever not treated me like an absolute queen. How much more can I ask of him? He always checks in, no matter where in the world he is. He constantly sends me things from around the world, just to remind me that he's always thinking of me. When I'm sick, he never leaves me alone. He's called me in the middle of a show before, just to make sure I'm alright. I can't give that up just because I enjoy having someone around all of the time. This routine with him has changed my life, and it's one that works. I can't just give that up." Still nothing from Stephen. "I can't thank you enough for trusting me with your space, and for showing me an absolutely amazing time. I will continue to work with you on this project, but I just can't leave Niall. Not a single bit of me wants that to happen." You see the sadness in his face, even though right now he is refusing to look at you. "I know your intentions are good; you only want what is best for me. I can't fault you for thinking that that is you. But it just isn't. Niall and I work, we have for the past five years. I can't even imagine a life without him." "But you said you could see one with me," Stephen says, still not able to look at you. "Honestly, it was just the idea. If I could have the life that I have had these last few months with you, with Niall, that would be amazing. But his life just doesn't work like that. And right now he is living his dream, and I can't just ignore that and move on. He didn't do that to me, so there's no way I can do that to him. And with this break that's coming next year, I would be crazy to leave him." Your words are hitting Stephen hard, and you feel genuine sympathy. He didn't even know you a couple of months ago, yet all he has ever tried to do was make your life the best it could possibly be. He just doesn't realize that life only exists with Niall.
Louis: You aren't in Massachusetts. You're still back in New York. You didn't go to Canada. Once you got on the bus with Liam, you knew you wouldn't be back on the road with them. Liam suggested just staying here, that going to Canada probably wasn't the best idea, especially since you didn't want to be around Louis at the moment. So he got his driver to take a detour on the way to the airport. You've been in this hotel room for a week straight. Liam put his card on the room, so you don't have to leave to get food. You don't like the idea of using his funds but what other choice do you have? You certainly weren't going to ask Louis to pay for a suite in the middle of Manhattan. You've missed three shows so far, but that is the least of your worries. You could easily go home. Even Louis said he understood if you wanted that. Then why haven't you? You've spent all of this time in this massive suite, with way too many rooms. You can't get him out of your mind. You believed every single word he had said up until a week ago. Every promise he has made to this point. Every 'I love you' meant something. You were there for him when he needed it the most. You supported him through a falling out, through the ups and mostly downs of tour life. You were there. And he was there with you, too. You've been no stranger to emotional woes these last few months, and the only thing bringing you out of them was the idea that you still had Louis to fall back on. He was there, for the most part. You couldn't always rely on him to answer when you called, but you understood his schedule was very busy. You've had a week to think about everything now and all of his actions make sense to some extent. You aren't sure why he had to go straight to a ring, but as he said, it's what would keep you around. Having a ring on your finger would make you question his actions a little less. The ring was full of empty promises though, that's why it isn't on your finger anymore. You can see it sitting on the table in the dining area of the suite. It's been staring at you for days. You can't walk out of here without it on though, that would cause a storm you aren't readily prepared for. The hotel staff know who you are, and the fact that Liam has his name on the room you're sure brings questions among them. They've treated you normally though, you couldn't ask for any better service. Anything you've needed they've had at your door in less than a half hour. You're sure Liam is behind that. Speaking of, you're phone is ringing. It's been doing that a lot this last week. Everyone knows you aren't with him, so they all want to know what is going on. You've talked with your mum, but only to lie and say that you forgot to get clearance to get into Canada. You will have to find another excuse for not being in Massachusetts tomorrow. "Hello," you answer before the call has a chance to go to voicemail. "Thank you for answering," Liam says. "I'm sorry," you lament, thinking back to all of the times this week you had ignored his calls. "No, don't apologize. How are you?" Do you even know how you are? "I'm okay, I guess. Still just sitting here, probably putting too much thought into everything," you admit. "That's understandable. We're going to have to figure something out for tomorrow though. I've already heard people asking where you are." "Just tell them I got sick and I won't be there, or I guess tell Louis to tell them." You now have an extra day to work with. Louis heads back to the UK the day after tomorrow, and your Visa says you have to do the same.

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