Leave Your Lover • Harry

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I don't have much to give, but I don't care for gold
What use is money, when you need someone to hold?
Being with Harry is hard when he's working, and this has been his dream since he was a little boy. On the up side you live in an awesome new flat with your boyfriend, who you're madly in love with. On the other hand he is only home 3 months out of the year, due to the fact that he's in an internationally famous boyband.
You've been with him through everything, good and bad. Fights with the boys, clashes with management. You give advice, when the fame gets to be to much you help ground him. At the brits you were there to watch as Harry sprinted to the stage after taking a "wee".You were there at the after party when he got to drunk to walk and needed help getting away from the lurking cameras. UAN,TMH, WWA, you attend every show that you can. You're there to cheer him up if Harry misses a note or forgets the lyrics to a song on stage. You help remind him that no matter what anyone say he's so special to you. You've given up so much of your relationship to the band and recently it's started to tear you up inside.
"So," Harry's voice breaks the comfortable silence in the room. "I'm going to make a quick trip to New York to do an interview on Good Morning America. It'll only be a few days, and I know I just got back, but Simon says there is an opportunity for a bonus in our contracts if we cooperate." Harry rants quickly trying to get it all out before you can interrupt.
"You're leaving." You conclude, but it comes out more like a question.
"You know I really wanted to get that house for us in LA, and it's only going to be—"
"But you're leaving right?" You interrupt. He didn't say anything, but he ran his finger through his long grown out hair, the same way he does every time you're force to talk about this. All your bottled up emotions were released like a flood. "I cant live my life like this anymore, I love you Harry. I love you so much. But every time you step out that door, it hurts. And each time it hurts worse and worse. I'm afraid that if you step out again i'm, i don't know what would happen.-"
"Y/N listen" He tires to argue once he realizes whats happening. The color has drained from his usually cheeky face.
"But I don't want to find out," you continued. "Go to GMA, get your bonus, get your house, but when you get home I will be gone." You choked out, and turned away. That was the last thing you said before you locked your self in the guest bedroom and cried yourself to sleep.
The next morning when you woke up, you wanted to leave as soon as you could, before you break down again. Or realize how much of a mistake your making, letting go the one person you know your supposed to be with. It' not that you don't want to be with Harry, its just your to afraid that at this rate somewhere down the road you'd ed up with your heart broken.
You scamper across the hall and into the bedroom you share with Harry. The bed is empty and slept in. He probably took your advice and went to New York. You slump down onto the bed and lay in the spot his frame usually fills. It smells like him. Home-y. You roll over and hug the pillow close to you taking a large breath. Just as you were going to breath out you heard a voice.
"Good morning." You knew that little raspy whisper anywhere. You turned to the bathroom door across the room. He stood in the doorway watching you. He's completely shirtless only a pair of boxer briefs hanging from his hips.
"Haz, what are you doing here?" You ask looking over at the clock. "You were supposed to be in New York an hour ago." He crossed the room and settled on his knees in front of you. He looks tired, like he's cried. The skin just below his eyes is a little puffy and red. He lets his head fall into your lap. The ends of his tangled hair tickles your legs. "Harry, seriously." You say trying to be stern after a few to many seconds of silence.
"I didn't go," He simply states breathing in deeply.
"Obviously Harry, but now you don't get your raise." He doesn't move, just sits there with his head in your lap. His arms wrapped around your calves.
"What's the point of having all of this if I don't have the person I love to share it with. I didn't go because I choose you. I never want to loose you, and I know sometimes its hell, but I'm really going to try because I love you."

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