Carnival Date

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Harry: "That game looks fun," Harry took a piece of your fluffy cotton candy, and placed it onto his tongue. "Hey," you pouted. He stifled smile "I don't know, I mean it looks kinda stupid." He groans in disagreement. "C'mon," he says pulling you through the fair, ducking and swerving his way through the swarm of people. You held his large hand tight;y until you reached the game stand. A man stood behind the booth were three pins were set up. He smiled, "Knock down all three pins and you win a prize! Wada ya say?" He held out a white ball. Styles grabbed it, and whispered to you "Piece of cake." You rolled your eyes. "Better let me do it. I have a better arm," you tease trying to hand the man a dollar. He laughed, shook his head and handed him the money. "Stand back love." He said throwing the ball and missing the pins. The second turn went a little better, he managed to knocked down one. You snickered behind your fluffy snack. Plucking off a piece of candy and sticking it into your mouth. "Wahoo come on babe." You tried to cheer him on, he bit down onto his bottom lip and threw the last ball. Sending down another pin. "Aww sorry folk's maybe next time." The man behind the birth said setting up the pins. You smiled up at Harry, his face painted with disappointment. "I wanted to get you something." You giggled and wrapped your arms around him. "I don't need another prize, I already have one." He smiled brightly and hugged you you back "Yea, you're right. c'mon," he said pulling you to the next booth.

Liam: You laughed seeing your 20 year old boyfriend jumping up and down waiting to be next on a carnival ride. "Liam..." You muttered. He was acting like a kid again and it is adorable. He turned toward you his eyes sparkling, "I've been waiting for this ride since last year y/n." You nodded, recalling the numerous amounts of times Liam reminded you the big ride coming into town. He finally was able to ride it himself, buying the first few tickets. "I don't get the excitement." You say looking at the tangle of wood and metal in front of you. He looked confused, "Babe it's so much fun, it goes really fast, some say that you can actually feel your soul leave your body." You rolled your eyes. "Okay but-". "Next," the ticket man called, ushering Liam who happily gave him the tickets and pull you both down in the seat. You gulped when you saw the tracks go up. It was steep you thought after looking again. Soon it started and you held Liam's hand tight, he squeezed back as soon as it dropped. You could hear screams and saw Liam smiling.The sounds coming from him so loud you wish you could cover your ears. You laughed as it twisted and turned, feeling your body jerk everywhere. After it was over you two sat down feeling a little dizzy. "Want to go again?" You asked peeking at Liam who was already off the bench headed toward the costar.

Niall:"That was fun!" You nodded smiling at Niall who was eating a corn dog he bought a few stalls back. "It was, i'm glad you could get some time away for me." He winked, "Anything for you." You snuggled closer to him as you walked thorough the maze of people. You had a nice evening at a local fair where you live to celebrate Niall coming home for a few days. You were really happy he came and treated you, you missed him a lot. you heard a few laughs and glanced up." um hello" you spotted a young girl smiling shyly and holding a marker and her phone. "Hi," she swallowed, her eyes wide with excitement. Niall smiled back, pulling you tighter against him. "Hi, i'm a— a big fan and was wondering if I— uh, if I can have an autograph?" She asked looking down at the grass. Niall laughed,"Of course." You watched as he signed the phone and were even asked to be in a picture with her. Soon a few more girls came. He sat down once finished. "Sorry," he apologized for all the intro prions. "No," you said shaking your head. You knew that the at the carnival there are people everywhere and it didn't bother you that much that Niall was famous, so of course it came with hundreds of excited fans. "Its ok, it's totally fine," you argued as he kissed your forehead. "Let's go home yeah?" You stood up laced your hand with his and walked with him to the car.

Louis: You shrieked looking down at the small people below you. You heard Louis laugh turn into a scream you're both flung up and down in the air. You had tears brimming your eyes and the fast moving air forced you to shut them tightly. You were on the scariest ride at the fair. You insisted Louis come with you tonight, with one exception. He gets to pick the rides. He instantly picked out the biggest, scariest, and most insane ride at the park. pushed you on, and you glared. You finally had him to yourself and you wanted every minute to be special. You swung your arms forward as the ride leeched again, pulling you back down. Soon It ended and you two got off laughing. "I loved that, did you hear yourself?" You laughed holding his hand. He smiled, "You screamed pretty loud yerself aha, we have to go again." You nodded pulling him close for a kiss. "Defiantly."

Zayn: Zayn laughed as he saw you struggle to get up from the seat of the bench. Being seven months pregnant came with a great deal of struggle when it came to that sort of thing. He wrapped his arm your waist and helped you. You smiled "Ok now we can go." You'd stopped at a food booth and ordered nachos, after walking around the crowded fair for a bit. Once up, Zayn smiled at you. You were enjoying the carnival it was perfect thing to taking your mind off of everything. You were having a rough time adjusting to the new house you two bought, for the baby and you weren't feeling good the day before. He suggested something fun to take you away from everything. Soon after finishing the snack he pointed to the Ferris wheel. "How about that?" You rubbed your pouting belly, "Yea, that would probably be ok," you reply. You walked with his tattooed arm over your shoulders, toward the ride. After you were seated inside the big wheel, you take his massive hand in yours held Zayn's hand. You leaned back and kissed his cheek. He smiled and was startled as it jerked forward, holding you back protectivly. You both laughed . "Thanks," you said looking at him. "Anything for you y/n, I love you." He said snaking his hang around to your neck, holding it softly and kissing you. .

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