Soundtrack Series • Take Me Home • Change My Mind

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Harry: You're watching him get his things together. He's getting ready to leave. The rest of the boys have been back in the UK for a few days now, and it's time for him to go. There's a show in a few days, and he needs to get over there and be on London time to be able to be himself on stage. "Don't want to help?" He questions with a laugh as you only watch him from the bed. "No," you answer jokingly, but knowing you didn't want to help him because he you didn't want him to go. He could easily stay another day. Both of you are aware of this. "Well I think this is all," he says looking around at your bedroom, focusing in on you once he's finished. You keep your eyes on him, not being able to stop the smile forming on your face. "I love it when you smile," he says sweetly as he walks over and sits beside you on the bed. "Don't get too comfortable, you don't want to miss your flight." He looks down at his watch, realizing you're right. "Well then I guess I better get my things into the car." You had offered to drive him to the airport. But he had declined, saying he didn't want to put you through that mess. He gets up from the bed and you immediately regret bringing the time up. You follow him out of the bedroom. "Awe, already time for you to go?" You hear Sydney say before you can see her sitting on the couch in the living room. "Yeah, shows start up soon," Harry tells her reluctantly. "That sucks, well I mean not sucks that you get to do what you enjoy, but sucks that you have to leave us. It feels like you just got here," she explains with a smile, getting up from the couch to say goodbye. "It's been really nice having you here and actually getting to spend some time with you," she continues before wrapping her arms around him. "Thank you so much for being so sweet and welcoming," Harry says with a smile, bringing her into him. "Of course! Please don't be a stranger," she laughs as she steps back and instead of returning to her spot on the couch she goes to her bedroom to give you and Harry your time alone. "I'll be back soon, okay?" He says to you with a smile, wanting you to do the same. You only nod. "Oh, come on," he says, pulling his arm around your back and bringing you into him. You rest the side of your face on his chest. You want to stay here like this. You should tell him you want him to stay. His schedule allows at least one more day here. Nothing comes out of your mouth though. You just allow him to hold you. "I've got to go, love." No. You don't want this. One more day, stay one more day. He takes a step back from you, grabbing his bags and you look up at him. The smile is still on his face and you wonder how it can be there. This sucks. You've never felt like this before when telling him goodbye. It's never been this hard. Harry looks down at his watch once more. You despise that watch. You open the door for him. There's still time to say something. You can tell him you want him to stay one more night. What is the big deal? Just tell him to stay. He steps in front of you, a bag in each hand. He leans down, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I'll be back soon, you have my word." You nod, accepting his promise. Tell him! He steps back and puts his feet out into the corridor. "Soon?" Harry says, making sure you know he is going to stand by his word. "Soon," you repeat. You feel your emotions coming on, but you can't break now. He nods and turns to walk down to the elevator. This is your absolute last chance to say anything, but you don't. Nothing comes from you but silence. You smile and wave to him before he steps on the elevator, and then he's gone. You take a deep breath in and shut the front door. You turn to see Sydney standing in the living room watching you. "I'm in love with him," you admit, looking straight into her eyes. She smiles and nods, already knowing this fact.
Liam: You hadn't listened to him. You had been looking for places. You know this is the last thing he wants you to do right now, but you know you can't stay in his place forever. You watch as he comes down the stairs with only his baggy grey sweatpants on. This is exactly how he had come down the stairs all week. You had waited for weeks for this break in his schedule, you were starting to miss him a lot. "What are you looking at?" He questions as he walks into the kitchen. You don't really want to say it out loud, so instead you just turn your laptop around at the bar to show him. "Really?" He counters with defeat in his voice. "I thought I asked you not to worry about that until at least Christmas?" "Liam, I can't stay with you that long." "Why not?" You open your mouth to answer, but you know you don't have a reasonable one that would make much sense. There is no reason you can't stay here and live with him until at least Christmas. Nothing is getting in your way. "I guess I just feel like the longer I stay here, the more I'm, I don't know, imposing?" "Imposing on what? My life? (Y/N), you have always been a part of my life, and living together has only brought us closer. How is that imposing?" "I don't know. I just feel like you can't live the life you normally would now that I am around. I saw pictures all of the time of you going out every night, partying and having fun. You haven't done that once since being back home. I know it's because of me." Liam smiles and laughs. "Don't be ridiculous. The only reason I am staying in right now is because I'm absolutely knackered. I don't want to go out; I don't feel like it. Trust me, if I wanted to spend hours of my night at a club, I would do it. But not right now, we've still got a whole other leg of the tour to do. It's got nothing to do with you, love, trust me." You wanted to, but you knew deep down, you being here was having an affect on how he was living. Whether it be going out, or just having a houseful of mates over. You were hindering the experience. "Stop thinking about it," he scolds, as he comes to sit beside you, closing the laptop so you have no other choice. "Well that wasn't nice," you tease. "Neither is you saying you will wait until Christmas to look for a place and then going ahead and looking." Shut down, a solemn look comes over your face. "No, those aren't allowed in this house and you know it," Liam protests after taking a bite of cereal. "I'm asking you to stay and not worry about anything until Christmas, that's all I'm asking." You nod, you completely get what he wants from you, but you can't help but feel the way you do. You and Liam have always been good friends. yes. But you've never been the kind to live together. You shut him down on that offer once already. Here you are though, and you've got to make a promise to him that you won't go anywhere until Christmas. This also includes trusting him when he says that you living here is not having a negative impact on the way he would normally go about his life. You will have to work on that one. "Yeah, I know. I'll stay."
Niall: You stand in the finished kitchen, a few meals now under its belt, realizing how much more you still have to do to to this place. Yes, a lot of the main rooms are finished, but it's the small details, the hardware, the light fixtures, that have yet to even be brought up. You have at least another two to three months in this place. It shouldn't be difficult though. You told Stephen how you truly feel, and he's been keeping his distance since that talk. He's spent less time around here, and more time out with the people he used to hang out with before he brought all of his focus on you. You definitely like this better, you aren't constantly on your toes wondering what he's going to do next and if you're going to somehow end up dishonoring Niall. Niall had spent a few days in New York with you, this also helped keep Stephen at bay. But he had returned to England just yesterday, there was a football match he was wanting to catch. It was so nice having him in, especially after just telling Stephen that you and Niall were serious, no matter what he thought of your relationship. As you think back to the few days you and Niall spent together in the city, the front door opens and Stephen walks in. You look at the time on your iPad, he had come straight from work. "How is everything going?" He asks as he takes his jacket off and lays it on the back of the couch. "You know we specifically had a closet built just so you didn't have to do that," you remark with a smirk. "Yeah, I know, but the back of the couch is so much more convenient," he teases. You roll your eyes and get back to focusing on light fixtures for the living and dining area. "Do you think we could have a talk, or are you in the middle of something important?" "Well it's your flat, is this talk more important than your flat?" "To you, probably." What is that supposed to mean? You take a step back from the counter and he nods over to the couch. You follow him into the living room and take a seat across from him. You sit in silence for a bit before he gathers up enough coherent thoughts to say to you. "I know this hasn't been the best situation for you, and that is all on me. I want to apologize for the harsh thing that I said to you back then. It was absolutely not fair of me to try and come in between your relationship." You weren't expecting a talk like this at all. "I have done a lot of thinking. And yes, I still do believe that you would be better off with me. I can't fight that battle though, because it isn't mine to fight. That decision is up to you. You told me last week how happy you are with him, how much he means to you and how you don't feel like you would ever leave him." All still very much true facts in your opinion. "All I am asking for is that right now, you tell me that you absolutely don't want me. I will leave this apartment, leave you to work until it is finished. I won't be around anymore, if you can honestly tell me that you don't want me." It is another ultimatum, this one much less harsh than the previous. You don't have to think about your answer for very long. Yes, Stephen is as great guy, in his own means, but he isn't the one for you. "I love Niall," you simply say to him. His head falls, but he nods in understanding. "Okay." Stephen gets up from the couch and grabs the jacket he had just laid there a few minutes ago. "Just let me know how things are coming along, please. I'll answer any questions you have, but I won't be around." You nod and he walks back out the door. How was it that simple? How, after all of this time, could it have been just that simple?
Louis: You were back in England, but not at home. You couldn't go back to that place, no matter how much your heart was breaking at the moment. Liam had agreed to pay for a room at a hotel down the road from his place, until you figured out what you were going to do next. Well you had done just that. You're in the car now, on the way to your destination. "Right here?" The driver inquires. "Yes, this is it," you tell him. You thank him for the ride and step out into the slightly chilled air. You have no idea if Louis is even home; this could be a massive waste of your time. You have to talk though. You have some very important things to say. You press the call button and wait. Nothing is said over the line, but the gate opens up in front of you. You walk onto the estate and up to the door. Before you can knock though, it opens. "What are you doing here?" Louis questions in disbelief. "I came to talk to you." "You still have something to say to me?" "I still have a lot to say to you." He takes a step back and allows you in. You had never spent a lot of time in this place. You're lucky you still even remember how to get here. "We can talk in the lounge if you want," he suggests and you nod. "Would you like a tea or anything?" He was being very hospitable, you know he's anxious about what you have to say. "Sure, that would be nice." You wait for him to return, look around this place and wonder how a person who has everything can feel like they have absolutely nothing. He returns quickly with a cuppa and takes a seat beside you. You look down at the steaming drink, knowing well and good he has made it just the way you like. "I came to talk about what you said to me that night on the bus." Louis nods, "I expected so." "I was hurt when I left you that night. Never have I felt that sort of heartbreak in my life. You were my rock, and to be told that the emotions weren't mutual between us was hard to comprehend." Louis is hanging onto your words as you relive what you had been through because of him. "I spent a week in a space by myself just thinking about everything you said, and everything we have done over these last six months or so. Those times are so special to me. I needed every moment I spent with you in order to further away from the negative in my life. When my dad died, Louis I cannot tell you how much the pain was eating away inside of me. There were days when I didn't even leave my bed. I was so scared that I was slipping back into the depression I had fought so hard to get out of. The only thing that kept me going was you. Just thinking about you kept me from drowning. As I spent that time thinking about all of that over again, I realized something. You were my distraction too. Yes, I was very much in love with you, but our relationship and having you around and knowing that you were there for me, that's what kept me going." You pause only shortly as Louis's eyes begin to gloss over. "I need the distraction just as much as you do. I can't go back to living at home, and school is finished for me for now. I don't have the energy to go back to that right now." You wait for a response. "So what are you trying to say?" "What I'm saying is that, even though I will have to work on my emotions, I'm here to stay. I'm not going anywhere." The look of confusion spreads across Louis's face. "You're going to stay? With me?" You can't help but laugh slightly, because yes, it sounds ridiculous. "I care about you, Louis. You said me being around helps distract you from the negatives of your job and life. Well having you around does the same for me. I need a distraction just as much as you do." "What are we supposed to tell people? I mean surely Liam knows." "We don't have to tell anyone anything. I will talk to Liam, but as long as we are seen together, no one will question it. Yeah, we will have to act like we are in a relationship, but I guess, for you, that's what you've always been doing." A look of guilt replaces the confusion on his face. "Don't, if I'm willing to work with you on this, the last thing you need to do is give me those looks. We're going to figure this out because it's what's best for the both of us, as individuals."

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