Dear Darlin' (HIS POV)

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Harry: Dear darlin', please excuse my writing. I can't stop my hands from shaking, 'cause I'm cold and alone tonight.
Dear Y/N,
I'm sorry if this letter is hard to read. I can't keep my hands from shaking. I've been trying to write this all day, but I haven't been able to find the words.
I can't stop thinking about you. I can't stop thinking about us, and frankly I don't want to. You are the best thing that has ever happened it me, and I'm not trying to sound cheesy, but I don't know what I am going to do without you. Sure I have the boys, the fame and the fans, but without you beside me none of it means anything.
Please give me another chance Y/N, I don't deserve it, but I'm begging you for one. You're the only one that I want to wake up next to me, the only one that I want to make horrible puns to, and the only one that I want to love.
Truly Yours,

Liam: And if my words break through the wall, and meet you at your door, all I can say is "Girl, I mean them all."
I don't know if you are actually going to be reading this, since I sent it to your parents house, but it's worth a shot. I'm assuming that you hate me right now, and at this point I don't blame you. I could make excuses for myself and say that it wasn't my fault, but I know that it was. You were right to leave, you were right to tell me off, and you were right to drop all contact.
With the madness of fame, it's hard not to hear about our break-up, and I don't know what hurts more. Hearing your name or having to talk about it. Y/N, sometimes I hope that you're watching because every once in a while I'll look right into that lens, and talk only to you. Like last week, I had an interview with chatty, and he asked me what I miss the most about our relationship, and all I can remember saying was "That I lost her. That I lost her, and I know that someone else will see just how amazingly perfect she is, and I won't be able to get yo-her back."
I'm scared Y/N, terrified that I won't be able to get you back, and I don't know if I'd be able to see you walking away with someone else.

Niall: Been thinking about the bar we drank in. Feeling like the sofa was sinking. I was warm in the hold of your eyes.
To my Princess,
I have been sitting in the bar where we met for hours now. Thinking about what went wrong. I know that you aren't to blame, it was all my fault and that I deserved nothing less than a slap to the face. Y/N, I know that you are probably still upset with me, but I needed to write this letter to you. You are the most caring, beautiful, understanding, intelligent and selfless person that I have ever met.
The way that you laugh makes me warm inside and out. The way that you held my hand, would give me goosebumps. You are my everything, and I don't know what I'm going to do without you in my life. So Y/N, if you haven't already sent this letter through the shredder, I'd like to take you out to dinner, here at the bar, in our booth.

Louis: I miss you and nothing hurts like no you. And no one understands what we went through. It was short. It was sweet. We tried.
To Y/N,
You know that I love you right? I'm not going to waste any time letting you know. If I'm going to write one of these sappy love letters that I swore I would never do, than why drag it on?
You are the just the best person that I have ever met. I know so much about you, like the way you stretch when you wake up in the morning, or how you put your feet up on just about anything, and when you sit on the floor you look like a preschooler waiting for story time. I know that when you brush your hair, you'll grab it in the middle and brush below your hand so it won't hurt. I think the thing that I love most, that I know about you is that when we lay in bed together, or even when we cuddle, you'll outline my tattoos with your finger. Every once in a while, I think that you forget you're doing it, and it makes me smile because you keep going.
I laugh hardest when I'm with you, and I smile more because of you. I don't want that to stop Y/N, I love you so much, so please, please, please call me.
Lou, Louis, BooBear

Zayn: Oh I can't cope. These arms are yours to hold.
Dear Y/N,
I don't really know how to write these kind of things, but I guess now is as good as a time as any.
I love you. It sounds cheesy and dumb, but it's the most honest thing that I have ever said. You're my muse. I understand it now that you're gone, but I probably got paint in my eyes before. I went into my graffiti room yesterday, and I couldn't think of anything else, but your beautiful face. So I drew you, on the walls. It will never be as good as the real thing. Not even close, but maybe someday soon you'll be able to come see it, and hopefully you will.
With love,
Zayn xx

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