Stay High • Louis

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"Louis?" You call as you enter the door. The first thing you notice are his clothes and shoes strewn across the living room floor, and his half empty suitcase open in front of the bedroom door. "Lou?" You say again, setting down your keys and purse. In your other hand you have a brown paper bag, with a new piece to surprise Louis with.
"Whatcha got there?" Louis asks from behind you. He pops of of the hall closet, and nearly scares you to death.
"Jesus Louis, "I thought you were in the bedroom." You say holding your hand over you heart. An amused smile spreads across his face, as he reaches down to take the bag from you. He must be leaving again, his suit case is fill with neatly folded clothes, and nicely arranged shoes. "Where are you going?" You ask shyly wrapping your arms around him and resting your head on his chest.
"We just have a few things to do in America this weekend. I'll be back before you even miss me, I promise." His soft voice adding to the comfort of his arms being wrapped around you.
"Fine," You sigh against his chest, "but can today be our day?" You weren't ready when he let go, stepping back to look you in the eye.
"Of course." He smiled taking the bag from you. "So what's in here?" He asks ripping apart the bag, and slowly unraveling the sheet of bubble wrap, that encompasses a colorful glass bowl.
"You like it?" You ask examining his face as he studied the glass.
"Yeah, this is sick. This was a good find." He says, holding out the piece to give it back.
"I bought it for you," you explain, "for when you're on tour. You can smoke without me." A beaming smile, stretched across his stubble covered face. One eyebrow raised as if to ask "Really?". "Honestly," you assure.
"That's awesome, thank you Y/N." He says looking back down at his new piece. "Wanna try it out?" He asks looking up at you through his lashes. And of course you did, you rarely get a chance to smoke with Louis, he is always gone, and when he is around all he does there is always some one with him.
An hour later you found yourself completely baked, smoking with Louis will do that, you're straddling his open legs. You watch his intently as he takes another hit, the smoke clearing the pipe as he inhales. His usually bright blue eyes are glazed over, and it looks as though he is struggling to keep his lids up. He hands you the piece again before replacing his hands on your hips.
"You know," he starts slowly moving his hands up the smooth skin on your sides, "i don't think I want to smoke with out you." He says eyes trained on the bit of exposed skin where your shirt cuts off. The way his hands are moving over your skin gives you chills. Every simple touch is heightened.
"Why's that?" You ask putting the glass to your mouth for the final time. The lighter sparks before the flame is sucked down into the bowl. He is watching you now, his eyes a bit wider than before. Its like everything stopped, his hands are resting lightly on your hips. You can feel him take a deep breath as you tip your head back to blow out the smoke.
"Fuck," He grumbles under his breath, his fingers tightening around you. As if hes keeping you grounded. "Because, when ever we smoke i get so hard up for you. Because you're so insanely beautiful." Now that he mentioned it you can see what he's talking about. When ever you smoke with have it's like 2nd nature to end up naked and grinding against each other.
"Right now?" You ask innocently tracing the ridge of his collarbone with your finger. His hands are slowly constricting sliding over your hips to the small of your back. The unintelligible growl that past hips lips proved his point. "Louis," you gasp as you feel his length make contact with your sensitivity. His hand move to your bum, sliding under the light fabric of your shorts and giving a squeeze. You lean down and press your lips to his.
"You're—so sexy," he says against your lips. You squeal as he adjusts his arm so his hand can slide down the front of your pants and straight to your heat.
"Louis, I need you." You breath out against his neck. He let his fingers graze you again and suddenly he was standing, with you wrapped around him.
"Say it again," he whispers roughly in your eat as he carries you to the bed room. For some reason you can't make the words leave your mouth. Unable to speak through the waves of pleasure rolling through you. He thrusts two fingers inside, "say it!" He growls louder this time.
"PLEASE, LOUIS I NEED YOU." You scream out before you're tossed onto the bed. Your high is still buzzing just beneath the surface of your skin. He's standing at the end of the bed, eyes scanning you lustfully. His hands working furiously to unbuckle his belt. "Then that's exactly what you'll get love."

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