Coffe And Pastry • Harry

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Harry Styles was the boy in your evening film class. Harry Styles was the boy in your class that always came to class with a mug of coffee and a pastry of some sort. Harry Styles was the boy you've had your eye on since sophomore year, ever since you changed majors. You can't believe it's taken three semesters of being in the major before you have a class with him, but here you are. Three weeks into the semester. Waiting for him to show up. He always sits in the third seat on the far row. After you saw him walk in on that first day, you've gradually moved your seat closer and closer to him. It wasn't that you were doing it just to do it. Each time he entered the room and saw you, a small smirk crossed his face. By now you're sat in the seat in front and over one row from his usual chair. You watch as the clock clicks by and your professor starts class. Harry's never been late before. You glance around to make sure he isn't in a different seat and you just happened to miss him. Ten minutes into the lecture, the door opens and Harry walks in. "Sorry, professor. Couldn't leave until my roommate got back with my bike." "It's fine, Styles. Take your seat." You do your best to keep your gaze focused on your professor as Harry makes his way to his seat. A few minutes later while you're taking notes on various cinematography terms, you feel a tap on your shoulder. Turning around you see Harry holding out a coffee cup and pastry bag from the shop down the street. Your name is scrawled on both the cup and the bag. He's grinning widely at you. You smile, take the items, and mouth a silent thank you before turning back around. You turn to properly thank him at the end of class, but he's already halfway to the door. As the weeks go by, Harry brings you various coffees and pastries. It's never on a consistent basis, but always when you seem to be having a bad day or need a pick-me-up. On the final night of class before finals, you walk in to see a cup and pastry bag sitting at your seat, but there's no sign of Harry. There's a note attached to the bag: Hope you like cranberry scones. H x. You smile. Cranberry scones were your favourite. How is it that this boy knew all of your favourites when you'd never had a conversation? The night of your final, everyone in class presented their original short films. You smile as you watch Harry's. It's a black and white piece that follows the daily routine of his roommate's dog. It was one of the cutest and most aesthetically pleasing films you'd ever seen. After he takes his seat, you turn around to face him. "I really liked your film, Harry. It was really good." He blushes. "Thank you." "Also, thank you for the coffee and pastries all semester. It was very sweet of you." You smile widely at him. "Yeah, it's my pleasure. I work part time at a bakery." He smiles and shows his dimple. You'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't want to kiss him right then and there. "Come now, everyone. Let's settle down. We still have a few more films to watch." You turn back around to focus your attention to the screen at the front of the class. A few minutes into the next showing, you feel something poking you in the arm. You turn to see Harry trying to pass you a note. You take it from him, sneaking a glance at the writing scrawled across the paper as you turn around. Dinner tomorrow? H x. You smile to yourself before writing your reply. I'd love to. x

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