Soundtrack Series • Up All Night • What Makes You Beautiful

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Harry: It's been a while since you've been in London during the winter. It's a far cry from Los Angeles at this time. "Remind me why we aren't at my place?" You question him as another cold chill hits you. He laughs and removes his jacket, handing it to you around the table. "Thank you." The warmth instantly takes the chill away. "Can't believe you're still cold; there's a heater right behind you," he teases. "I live in Southern California, of course I am still cold. Not to mention we're still sitting outside." When the hostess had asked if you wanted to be seated inside or outside you nearly laughed in her face in shock at the offer. You were even more surprise when Harry answered with "Outside, please." "Have you lost your mind?" You had said to him as you followed the hostess to the patio. "They have heaters," he had assured you. "You've got coffee, and the food is on its way," Harry says to counter your complaint about remaining outside in this weather. "And don't look now, but you've got the attention of that entire row of tables," he teases with a smile. "Oh, yes, I'm sure it's me they're looking at," you reply, rolling your eyes. "I mean you've got my attention; look how beautiful you look today." You feel heat coming to your cheeks in response to his compliment. "Stop," you order out of embarrassment. "I certainly don't blame them. I've been staring at you all day wondering how I've gotten so lucky." His voice is progressively getting louder with each compliment. He wants everyone around to know that you are indeed a very important person in his life. "Are you trying to call to order a town hall meeting?" You inquire of his tone of voice. "If the subject is you, then yes. I could talk all day on that subject." "You are ridiculous," you tell him as the waiter walks to the table with your lunch in hand. "Anything I can get for the two of you?" "You can get this girl in front of me to believe me when I tell her that she is the most beautiful girl in the world, inside and out." You cover your face. Harry is out to get you today. "I am so sorry," you say through your hands to the waiter. "Sometimes I have absolutely no control of what comes out of that ignorant mouth of his." You look up and glare at him and he laughs. "I think we're good here, mate, thank you." "Again, I'm sorry," you lament as the waiter laughs and walks away. "Well now you've sure given him a story to tell," you scold, as you unwrap your silverware. "And what is wrong with that. There's nothing negative about anything I said, is there?" You look up from your food. You have no idea what to say to him. "I'm sorry if that bothered you, I really am. I was just trying to have a bit of fun. I'm sorry if it was too much." Of course it wasn't too much. If he stood on top of the Shard and screamed out about how much he cared for you it wouldn't be too much. You just won't ever be use to him doing it in public though.
Liam: He was the one that was drunk last night, yet you're the one the fans cannot stop talking about. Talking is putting it nicely; it's more along the lines of fussing. Liam had spent the night drinking and telling you how great you were. You only took into consideration half of what he said and let the alcohol take the blame for the rest of it. "How is it that you're still here with me? We've never been this close," he had slurred to you while you had him propped against you ready to leave. You didn't leave his side all night. You didn't have a choice; he wasn't letting you. Because of this, the fans were running wild, or their mouths were. You wouldn't leave him alone last night, you just always had to be by his side. Yeah, you did, because the second you mentioned walking away for a moment you were faced with a whining Liam. And not a single one of them have ever had to deal with that side of him. He's asleep now, has been since getting home from the club. You're sat up in bed beside him, a laptop resting on top of the covers. There are so many pictures from last night. Ones that you knew were being taken, and then others you had no idea how they made it out of the club. It would be nice if security could confiscate phones everywhere the two of you went. Yeah, that's a stretch, but it would help you out tremendously. For one, you wouldn't be dealing with these pictures and videos from inside of the club that make you look like you're clinging onto him and getting him purposely drunk. Liam was simply asking you to order another round for the two of you, and you were just doing as he asked. No one in that place could be bothered with actually figuring out what was actually going on before they went and ran their mouths on Twitter. 'She got him so drunk, what a bitch.' He got himself drunk. How ignorant can one group of people be? Once the paparazzi photos from outside of the club came out you thought the world was going to end. 'They're fucking holding hands!' Said one caption on a picture of you helping Liam down the sidewalk and into the awaiting car. 'I bet she got him drunk so that she would be able to help him into the car and it would look like he was all over her.' You roll your eyes; these people are so delusional. Even though Liam was the one that continued asking for drinks, kept you by his side, and took your hand before taking a step out the door, somehow you were the worst person in the world. It didn't matter that Liam had a smile in your presence all night. It didn't matter that he showered you with the nicest of compliments. Everything 'wrong' with last night was entirely your fault. Liam makes you happy, and he has told you on several occasions that you make him happy. No one else is choosing to see that.
Niall: It's the song they started out with. It's the song you've heard more than any other. It's the song that brought the biggest smile to your face because it reminded you of how far Niall had come and how incredible these last five years have been for him. Now, it is only bringing you tears. You know this song up and down, backwards and forwards, and never has it ever made you cry tears of sadness. It's Saturday; there's no work today. Instead, you're in the living area, laptop on the coffee table, as you watch videos from last week's show; the show you were meant to be at if you hadn't ruined everything. Every line brings back a different memory and even more pain. You want nothing more than to stop this video, but you can't find it in you to lean over and press the space bar though. Tears begin to slowly run down your cheeks. You miss this so much. You watch as the song continues and the boys prance all over the stage. The girl behind the camera focuses in on Niall and your breath hitches. The smile on his face looks so genuine. How can he do that? How can he smile? You haven't even thought about smiling in weeks. It seems like an impossible feat to you. He's having a great time, and it's no thanks to you. You're sure the boys have been doing a great job helping him out. They have always been a wonderful support system, no matter what was going on. You wish you had a support system. Or at least someone besides the issue telling you everything was going to be okay. Speaking of the devil, you can hear him walking down the hallway towards you. You know he's going to say something about what you are sitting here doing to yourself. You don't care though. You need this. You need to be shown what your stupidity caused you to miss out on. "Again?" Stephen says in the middle of a yawn as he walks into the living area, his pajama pants sitting very low on his hips. Just like you liked them, unfortunately. You say nothing as you watch the boys get together for Harry's solo. "How many times have you watched videos from that show?" He questions, bypassing the couch and walking straight into the kitchen. He knows if he wants something to eat, you aren't going to do anything to help him out. "I should have been there," you say darkly, wiping the tears that were continuing to fall. "I don't see how watching the videos is going to help anything," he comments as he looks in the fridge for anything at all related to breakfast. "I'm not looking for help," you assure him. You aren't doing this to make you feel better in any way. How could it? Looking at Niall, in any instance, isn't going to bring any sort of relief to your heart. The only thing it brings is hurt. At least you're back to feeling emotions, no matter what they are.
Louis: You're sad to see the sun going down. It has been such a nice day, and you've spent it all by Louis's side. This morning you went with him to check on how everything was going at the charity. There were instant smiles as soon as he walked through the door. His presence lights up a room. He visited with some new families that were being helped, and you couldn't help but tear up slightly when the four year old told him that she loved him and that he saved her mum from hurting herself. She wouldn't let go of his neck so he simply carried her around while he visited everyone else. She started to cry when it was finally time for him to go, but he promised he would be back soon to do even more fun things with her. You wish you had recorded her reaction to his promise. She was so excited to be able to see him again. As soon as you left the charity you went straight to the shops to get some Christmas shopping done. He, of course, let you do all of it, his family and yours. You have only spent a limited amount of time with his family but he seemed to be very satisfied with everything you had picked out this afternoon. You had just left the shops and find it the perfect time to make a request. "Can we go to the London Eye?" He had looked at you funny as soon as the words had left your mouth. "You want to go on the London Eye?" He repeats, making sure he had heard you clearly. You smile. "Yes, is that okay? I mean, I understand if it isn't and you don't want to be around all of those people. It's just everything is decorated for Christmas, and I've never been on it at night at Christmas time." It was a legitimate request, but you also understood if the answer was going to be 'no'. "If that's what you want," he says with a smile taking your free hand with his. You are a little shocked that your request had gone over so well. Usually if you ask to go somewhere there is going to be a lot of people, the answer is usually 'no'. You get in the backseat of the black SUV that had escorted you around the city today. Security gets on the phone to call ahead so that the staff at the Eye can be prepared for what is about to happen when you get there. "Yeah we're about five minutes out," the man up front says over the phone. As soon as the car rolls up to the sidewalk and stops Louis hops out and quickly gets around to your side. "Ready?" He says with a smile. You laugh. "Yes, I'm ready." As soon as the two of walk down the stairs all eyes are on you. Security keeps everyone at their distance as you walk up to the line. Naturally, you are able to bypass everyone to get to the front. "We get one to ourselves, right?" Louis asks security, and they nod. "Watch your step," the lady on the platform offers with caution. The two of you smile at her as Louis helps you into the moving pod. "Thank you for today," Louis says once the doors have shut behind you and you are on your way to the top of the wheel. "For what?" You turn around from the glass to see Louis right behind you. "Just spending the day with you today; it was really nice, comforting." You look into his eyes. This is genuine. He presses a kiss to your lips, a different kind of kiss.

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