1. back to school

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"have a great first day of school my lovely children." jessica said as her kids rushed out of their mansion.

"get in andrew i can't afford to be late on the first day." samantha said causing madison to giggle.

"i'm sure being late one time will effect your college applications." andrew argued getting into the back seat.

"oh shut up." samantha said with a laugh as she drove to school.


betty was showing veronica around school since it was her first day.

kevin had come out of no where and introduced himself to veronica.

from across the hall you could see the montgomerys make their entrance.

"and that is the most popular family in the school, samantha who is super intelligent and popular, andrew who is first of all major hot and a jock and then we have madison who is the queen bee." kevin explained.

madison walked over to them and hugged veronica.

"you two know each other?" kevin asked.

"of course! her family and my family have been friends for years we practically hang out every summer." madison replied.

"is it true what they say about your dad?" kevin asked veronica.

"kev-" madison said knowing it was a sore subject with veronica.

"it's okay maddie. and what that he's the devil in carnet? I stand by my father. does everyone here know?" veronica asked they all stayed silent.

"perfect." veronica said sarcastically.

"we better go to the gym for the assembly." betty said.

"what is it for anyways?" madison asked.

"jason. about what happened to him." kevin replied as she nodded.

"who's jason and what happened to him?" veronica asked.


once they got in the gym veronica, betty and kevin all sat together while madison went to sit with jughead jones.

"can i sit jughead?" she asked causing the boy to look up from his computer screen.

"sure." he replied with a small smile.

"whatcha writing about?" she asked.

"just my novel, but it's rough right now." he told her.

"i'm sure it's great." she told him.

"actually i do need some help, you want in?" he asked her as she nodded her head and smiled.

"i'd love to." she replied.

"alright meet me at lunch, i'll probably be walking around the halls." he told her as she nodded.

she saw cheryl who was talking in front of everyone.

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