93. wind up dead

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"hold up

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"hold up. you're telling me that my mother was a rule breaking, anti apartheid activist in high school?" josie asked.

"and that she and my dad were together back then?" kevin asked as betty nodded.

"i don't buy it. there's no way my old man hung out and did, like, cosplay with a group of lame ass nerds." reggie said.

"to be fair, your old man was canoodling with my mother who was one of those lame ass nerds." madison said.

"okay, it's true, reggie." betty said.

"and you want us to find out what, exactly?" josie asked.

"our suspicion is that whoever was running the game back then is running it now, which is why we need to stop them before things get any worse." betty said.

"wait, what are you trying to say?" kevin asked.

"that one of our parents might be responsible for what happened to dilton and ben?" josie asked.

"maybe. and that's why you can't tell them that you know about their midnight club. okay? you have to be very careful about subtle when you ask them what they know." betty said.


"so, they said nothing? admitted nothing?" betty asked

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"so, they said nothing? admitted nothing?" betty asked.

"all they did was lie, like they didn't know about g&g." kevin said.

"bury the lede, kevin. they also announced they're getting married." josie said letting out a groan.

"seriously? as what? a smokescreen?" betty asked.

"i have no clue." josie replied.

"you think that was a crazy reaction?" reggie asked taking off his sunglasses to reveal a bruise under his eye.

"oh, my god. reggie." madison said in a sad tone.

"this is what i got when i asked my dad about that stupid game. why are our parents being so cagey about something that happened 25 years ago? what aren't you two telling us?" reggie asked.

"guys, whatever this is, it has to wait." veronica said walking into the room.

"what's wrong, v?" betty asked her.

"i saw andrew. he's caught up in some diabolical teen fight club. so is archie. and i need to break them out of juvie before they die, or kill somebody. and you all have to help me." veronica said.


"jug?" madison said going down into the bunker

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"jug?" madison said going down into the bunker.

"maddie." jughead said once he saw her.

"what are you doing down here? getting ready for a party?" madison asked him.

"we're about to start up a new quest. do you wanna join?" jughead asked her.

"even if a small part of me wanted to, i can't. it's a long story, but i'm helping veronica break andrew and archie out of juvie, and i'm hoping you can come with us." madison said grabbing his hands.

"wait, what? you're breaking them out of juvie?" jughead asked.

"i know, i know it sounds insane." madison said.

"no. it sounds perfect." jughead said.

"what? what are you talking about?" madison asked him.

"maddie, this quest i've been working on, that we're about to start, i thought i was finished, but it lacked heart. it lacked humanity. until you just gave me the missing piece. i'll make it a rescue mission, to save their friends. all ethel ever talked about was being worthy. what is more worthy than that?" jughead asked.

"jughead, this is not a game. this is archie and my twin brothers life, and since you refuse to recognize that... i'm taking your motorcycle." madison said before walking away.


"thank you all for coming. as you all know... andrew and archie are stuck behind bars. their lives are in danger. before we get started, i want to acknowledge that, yes, we are flying by the seat of our pants here. but as much as possible, we must follow the plan. the slightest deviation... and they could both wind up dead." veronica said as she looked over at everyone at the table.

danielle, samantha, madison, josie, reggie, kevin and betty.

"we'll need a distraction to disorient the guards and hide andrew and archie's play for the grate. something we can sneak into the location easily that won't arouse suspicion. something we make ourselves. as for the getaway route, i want you positioned for the pickup here, dani. if you stick to the woods, their cars shouldn't be able to follow you." veronica explained.

"just in case... might i suggest we put another precaution in place?" betty asked.

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