19. police station

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"how was dinner with your dad?" madison asked jughead who was sitting on her bed

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"how was dinner with your dad?" madison asked jughead who was sitting on her bed

"it was good actually, he asked about you." jughead said grabbing her hand

"oh really? tell me everything." madison said excitedly

"well it started with archie saying we work on the blue and gold together and he asked who this girl madison was." jughead said with a chuckle

"what did you say?" she asked

"i changed the subject, i wanna wait a while till you meet my dad first." jughead said

"of course, as long as you want." madison replied putting her hands on his face and kissing him


"wait so the blossoms are willing to give money to polly?" madison said walking to class with betty

"yeah but i don't think they want to help polly, they just want the baby." betty explained

"wow." madison responded letting out a breath

betty and madison walked over to archie who was at his locker

"how's it going with you and val?" madison asked

"great actually." archie replied with a smile

everyone watched as they saw principal wheaterbee and sheriff keller escort jughead out

jughead saw archie, betty and madison who had wide eyes

"call my dad." jughead said

"of course." betty said

"madison?" archie said seeing she was speechless

"i-i have to go." madison said walking off

andrew and veronica just got to school when andrew saw madison with tears in her eyes

"i'll be back ronnie." andrew said as veronica nodded

andrew chased after madison and put his hands on her shoulders

"what happened mads?" andrew asked

"i saw jughead being escorted out by sheriff keller and it just reminded me of danielle." madison said as andrew wrapped his arms around his sister


archie, betty and madison went over to the police station

"fred i asked him some questions and he just gave me lip." sheriff keller said

"he was working for me, on july 11th was it? yeah i had him tearing up some dry wall for me." fred said

"can you provide me with some documentation to back that up?" keller asked

"i'll have to check my time cards." fred replied

madison rushed into the room jughead was in and sat across from him

"what happened jug?" she asked

"they think i killed jason blossom." jughead told her

"i didn't do it madison you have to believe me." jughead said as madison placed her hands on top of his

"of course i believe you jug, i know you, and you're not a killer." madison said

"well, those paradise lost kids went to death row because they wore black and they listened to metallica. i don't wanna become a scapegoat." he said with scared eyes

"i'm not going to let anything bad happen to you jughead, we're going to get you out of here okay?" madison said tightening her grip on his hand

"is my dad here yet?" he asked

"jug i'm sorry, no one knows where your dad is." madison told him quietly

as they were leaving madison grabbed jugheads hand and he gave her a weak smile

"jughead." fp said as he finally showed up

madison let go of his hand so jughead could go up to his father but he didn't, he stayed beside her

"sorry. i came as soon as i got your messages. my phone, the freaking battery. i forgot to plug it in last night. what the hell happened." fp asked

"nothing. it's fine now. mr. andrews took care of it." jughead explained with an angry tone

"what jacked up crap did they accuse you of in there, huh? those bastards trying to throw you in jail like they did your old man? well screw that! i'll rip keller a new one for trying to pull that on you-"

"fp settle down." fred said

fred grabbed him in attempt to stop him but fp shoved fred

"hey! hey! he's my son. he's my son fred! you'd do the same for your boy." fp said as he started walk to the building but jughead grabbed his jacket

"dad. don't make things worse. please." jughead said quietly

"yeah. alright then. you uh, you coming home with me?" fp asked his son

"he can stay with us mr. jones. we already offered." archie told him

"is that what you want?" fp asked jughead

madison glanced over at jughead with sad eyes, she hated seeing him upset

"maybe that's for the best, if-if you don't mind fred." fp said noticing jughead was silent

"whatever you want fp. it's between the two of you." fred responded

"i'll-ill go with you, dad." jughead said as he sniffled and walked towards his father

"son, listen to me. i'm gonna do what you want and get my act together. i'm gonna get your mom and jellybean home so we're all under the same roof. i promise. but i just need a little time to do that. not a lot. not long. a month, two at the most. hey. then we'll be back on track. alright? you uh, you believe that don't you?" fp asked putting his hands on sons shoulders

"yeah. i believe you dad." he replied as they hugged

who do you think danielle is? leave your guesses and i might just tell you if your right

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