25. danielle montgormery

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"danielle?" samantha questioned recognizing her sister but clearly the twins did not

"hey sam." danielle replied

"hey andy, hey mads." she said

"how are you here right now?" madison asked

"well since your friend archie found me i thought why keep hiding?" danielle said

"why were you hiding?" andrew asked

"oh andy things will be revealed with time." she told her little brother

"so you're a serpent now?" samantha questioned crossing her arms across her chest

"not so sassy sammie, not like you never wanted to be a member." danielle said

"i didn't." samantha replied sternly

"dani?" jessica said coming out of the living room

"hey mom, i'm home." she said with a smirk

"my baby." jessica freaked out hugging her daughter tightly

"we should've never sent you away." jessica told her


madison's outfit^^

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madison's outfit^^

madison went over to bettys house so they could walk to school with jughead and archie

andrew drove over to his girlfriends house to pick her up

he went up to the door and knocked

"ronnie andrew is here!" hermione said

"mrs. lodge you look lovely as always." andrew said as she smiled

"thank you andrew, but please call me hermione." she told him as he nodded and looked to see veronica who looked beautiful like she always did

"i was wondering if you wanted a ride to school?" andrew asked veronica

"sure let me grab my bag." she said as he waited. she came back and shut the door saying goodbye to her mother

veronica wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him while he placed his hands around her waist

"at least something went right this morning." he said

"what's wrong babe?" she asked still in his arms

"danielle. she came home last night, it just brings back negative stuff." andrew said as she nodded understandingly

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