50. b and v team up

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archie, betty, veronica, andrew, madison and jughead were all sitting at lunch

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archie, betty, veronica, andrew, madison and jughead were all sitting at lunch.

"it's another win for the bad guys. no one was there. his entire staff quit. he says he's not sure how long he'll be able to keep the doors open, maybe not even a week." jughead said.

he was talking about pop's. jughead had went over there only to see it was empty and pop tate looked upset.

"it's because of what happened. people are freaking out. and i gotta be honest, guys. i don't see myself going back anytime soon." archie said.

"wait, i'm sorry. am i hearing acceptance? i'm not letting one psychopath with a gun dictate what happens to our place." betty said.

"she's right, juggie, you went crazy when it came to saving the drive in." madison reminded him.

"i can't take on any more social issues right now, maddie. my hands are full." jughead told her.

"yes of course, with your father. and he should be your priority." madison said, placing her hand on top of his.

"i'll take point on helping pop tate." betty said.

"i'll help too, betty. hey, anything to get me away from my parents, i'm in." veronica said as andrew admired her.

"another b and v team up?" jughead said.

"correction, b m & v team up." madison said with a wink.

"they should make a video game about you guys. i gotta jet. i'm off to meet my dad's court appointed joke of a lawyer at the sheriff's station." jughead said.

"i'm gonna come with you jug. i gotta drop some flyers off for sheriff keller." archie said.

before jughead left, madison pecked his lips and they smiled at each other.

"i love you." madison said softly as jughead smiled.

"i love you too." jughead said as him and archie went over to the sheriffs station.


madison was in her room when she heard a knock on her door. she thought it was strange considering it was kind of late but she opened it.

"jug? hi, come in." madison said, letting him walk into her bedroom.

he let out a sigh and she could tell that something was wrong by the look on her face.

"hey, what happened with the lawyer?" madison asked her boyfriend.

"i was hoping it wouldn't be bad like this but... it's bad maddie." jughead said, sitting down on her bed.

"what happened, jug?" madison asked him, placing her hand on top of his shaky one.

"my dad is facing 20 years, maddie. and if he doesn't take the deal and if goes to trial, he will be facing 40." jughead explained.

"oh, my god." madison said letting out a sigh. "that's awful." madison added.

she pulled jughead into a hug and he immediately hugged her back. he closed his eyes and took in her scent, not wanting to let go of her.

"i wish there was something i could do." madison told him in a small tone, rubbing his back softly.

"yeah, me too." jughead replied.

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