30. sweetwater river

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andrew felt broken. he felt like his whole world was crashing down on him.

once he got home he asked danielle if he could borrow a gun since he knew she had some

she passed it to him thinking he was going to shoot some cans or something

he held the gun to his side and then got in his car and drove off


madison lead jughead into archie's music room and shut the door

"jughead, i'm so awfully sorry. i should've asked what you wanted before jumping to my own ideas." madison said

jughead was quiet for a moment but then looked up at her

"i love you." she heard him say causing a smile to break on both of their faces

"you're not mad?" madison asked

"i'm upset that this party is happening but, i'm not mad at you." jughead told her

madison wrapped her arms around his torso and hugged him tightly

the moment was interrupted when her phone started to ring

she answered without looking at the contact

"hello?" madison said

"maddie get down to sweetwater right now." samantha rushed out

"woah sam calm down. what's wrong?" madison asked calmly

"i think andrews trying to kill himself." samantha said hopping into her car

"oh my god i'm on my way." madison said quickly hanging up

"what's wrong?" jughead asked

"i have to go its andrew." madison said giving no further explanation as she rushed out

she didn't have a car so she was left with the only option of walking

she took off her heels and immediately started running, no sprinting

it was a good thing she took track all through middle school because it was definitely paying off

she's ran faster than she ever had in her whole life

once she finally got to sweetwater she saw andrews car and rushed over to see he wasn't in it

no no no i can't be too late she thought to herself

she looked up to see andrew by the rivers edge with samantha a few feet away from him

"andrew don't do this." samantha begged

"andrew it isn't worth it." madison rushed out standing next to her sister

she attempted to walk closer to her brother but he held the gun to his temple

"she cheated on me maddie, she's the only girl i ever- she's the one who's kept me sane these past years and now she's gone." andrew said as tears spilled from his eyes

"but this? this isn't the answer." madison said

"i'm nothing without her, i'm nobody." andrew replied with no emotion in his voice tightening his grip on the gun

"you're not no one andrew, you're my brother. my twin brother. you're my other half for gods sake. you've been there for me when no one else was. you've helped me keep a smile on my face during rough times. i love you andrew." madison said as she walked closer to him with every word she said

she held out her hand and andrew hesitated for a moment but his grip on the gun softened and he put it in madison's hand

she threw the gun in the river and andrew dropped to his knees emotionless

madison kneeled beside him and wrapped her arms around him tightly and samantha rushed over and they all were close together

the montgomery siblings have never felt more blessed to have each other than they do at this moment

samantha didn't know what she'd do with herself if she watched her little brother die in front of her

and madison would break at the sight of her other half give up so easily

they heard cries that weren't coming from any of them and they all looked up seeing danielle with tears streaming down her face

"i'm so sorry. i didn't know he was gonna do that when i gave him the gun." danielle said as samantha stood up

"excuse me? did you just tell me you gave our little brother a gun!" samantha yelled getting in front of her

"sammie i didn't know-" danielle was cut off by samantha slapping her across the face

"get away from my family." samantha hissed


"GO!" samantha yelled

"dani just leave like you always do." madison spoke up

"i didn't leave mom and dad sent me away." danielle said

"but when you escaped you still never came back, you escaped years ago danielle. you had years to come back to us, but you never did." madison said

"i'm sorry maddie." danielle said

"just go danielle." madison said

well i bet you weren't expecting any of that. also i want u to know you can always talk to me about anything ok? i mean that.

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