85. cold blooded killers

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after andrew and archie's arrest, jessica and the rest of the montgomery family learned that raymond was working with hiram.

jessica and danielle packed up raymond's stuff and he was kicked out of the house.

once madison and samantha got home they finally learned the truth about their father.

madison walked out of the house because the news shocked her.

she found herself knocking on someone's door and she watched the door open.

"mads?" jughead said seeing that she was about to breakdown in tears.

"the enemy was living under my roof this whole time." she said as jughead became confused.

"what are you talking about, babe?" jughead asked as he placed his hands on her shoulders.

"my father is working with hiram. he helped get andy and archie arrested." madison said as jughead pulled her into his arms as she cried.

"we're gonna make them pay, okay? andrew isn't going to jail and neither is archie." jughead told her as he rubbed her back in attempt to soothe her.


"ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the evidence and testimony that was presented in this court tell a dark story

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"ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the evidence and testimony that was presented in this court tell a dark story. that mr. andrews has a history of violent behavior. that he started not one, but two masked vigilante groups. that he went wilding in the southside of town, and threatened to shoot a young man in the face. that while partying with his friends in the town of shadow lake, mr. andrews ran into the woods and shot the victim, cassidy bullock, point blank in the head. now, mr. andrews claims that it was his friends fathers doorman who shot mr. bullock. a shot mr. andrews claims to have heard, but not seen." the lawyer said as jughead placed his hand on top of madison's.

everyone in town was sitting in the courtroom eager to know what the judge would decide.

"moving on to mr. andrew montgomery. who, assaulted an innocent boy, who was helpless with two broken legs. he has a record of getting into fights with his fellow high school students. he broke into his former teachers car after dark. he even told his best friend jason blossom that he wished he was dead, just before he died. he also has a history of mental illness that could increase his bad impulses. lastly, he assist in the killing of cassidy bullock alongside mr. andrews." the lawyer said as jughead felt madison squeeze his hand.

"who knows the truth or what happened that terrible night in the woods near shadow lake? i'll tell you who. those men. archie andrews may be a varsity athlete, and he may be a sensitive musician while andrew montgomery may be a member of the school paper and former varsity athlete... but they are also cold blooded killers." the judge said.

mary got up from her seat since she was representing archie.

"ladies and gentlemen, we know for a fact that archie andrews constantly puts the needs of others ahead of his own. we know that he helped to solve the murder of jason blossom. we know that he offered both friends and enemies shelter when they had nowhere else to stay. well, let me remind you that there were no witnesses to the actual killing. there was no murder weapon. there is no motive. at the end of the day, all the prosecution has is cloudy testimony from unreliable people. now, it is my solemn duty as a mother, to protect my son. but as an attorneys it's my duty to adhere to the facts, to the edvidence. there is nothing here that proves that archie andrews is anything less than an innocent boy. thank you." mary said before sitting back down.

sierra, who was representing andrew soon got up and began to speak.

"ladies and gentlemen, andrew montgomery may have flaws, but we know that he punched through a river of ice to save the life of his classmate cheryl blossom. he helped stop chuck clayton from slut shamming innocent girls at riverdale high. he's helped solve jason blossoms murder. he's not clouded by his thoughts battling his mental illness because he has been going to therapy and will continue to go for as long as he needs. my client is not a cold blooded killer as the jury would like you to believe but he is merely an innocent boy who would do anything to protect the people he loves, which does not include murder." sierra said.

"ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the charges is first degree murder. you may retire to begin your deliberations." the judge said.

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