24. no idea

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madison and andrew were shocked they had no idea danielle had become a serpent

samantha already knew since her parents told her but they made her promise she wouldn't tell the twins because they'd go look for her

veronica felt her heart sink she had no idea andrews sister was a serpent let alone that he had another sister

and jughead felt lied to just like veronica by both madison and andrew

madison and andrew went into another room cause they couldn't face anyone right now while samantha guided archie out of the event

veronica stayed for polly and jughead went into another room

once the baby shower was over betty went to talk to andrew and samantha went to talk to jughead

"you should talk to veronica." betty told andrew

"she probably doesn't want to see me." andrew told her looking down at his hands while he fiddled with them

"but she at least deserves an explanation don't you think?" betty said

at the same time sam was talking to jughead

"jughead, she had no idea. i was the only one who knew, not even andrew knew, just me and my parents." she told him

"is she still here?" jughead asked

"yeah." samantha replied with a smile


andrew walked into veronica's room where she was

"hey, i know you probably don't wanna talk to me right now." andrew said

"damn right i don't." veronica said

"you don't have to talk to me, just listen. danielle was sent away to military school when i was seven and i guess she snuck out and found somewhere else to stay and my parents said she was where she belonged. i had no idea she was a serpent veronica." andrew told her sitting on the foot of her bed

"promise?" she said

"i promise you." andrew said as her expression softened and she wasn't mad anymore

"i'm sorry for overreacting." veronica said siting closer to him

"just kiss me." andrew whispered and she did exactly that


madison went to talk to jughead

"hey, samantha told me you had no idea about your sister being a serpent." jughead said as he saw her

"i didn't, but you knew about your dad." madison replied

"i should've told you." he said

"why didn't you?" madison asked

"because i was ashamed." jughead said

madison grabbed his hands

"don't be ashamed of who your parents are, i like you jughead i don't care who you're related to." madison said cupping his face and kissing him softly

after everyone had made up madison, andrew and samantha went home

once they walked into the kitchen they saw someone standing there who they never thought they'd see again


cliffhanger sorry! this is really really short but i hope you like it! i might do a double update today so look out for that.

also sorry for being mia for a few days i've been away from wifi but i'm back home!

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