where a photographer teams up with a novelist to figure out the truth of what really happened on the night of july 4th. the night of jason blossoms murder.
the next day madison and samantha went to school but andrew had stayed home.
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madison outfit^^
madison, samantha, veronica, kevin, betty, jughead and some of the jocks including reggie were all in the student lounge
"and sheriff keller is grilling me mantle the magnificent because i'd want blossom dead." reggie ranted
madison zooned out on the other things he was saying till something caught her attention.
she saw archie walk in and she felt tension but not with her. with him and jughead.
"no, let's be honest. isn't it always some spooky, scrawny, pathetic internet troll too busy writing manifestos to get laid? some smug, moody serial-killer-fanboy freak. like jughead? what was it like suicide squad? when you shot jason? You didn't do stuff to the body did you? like after?" reggie said
from the other side of the room you could see jughead roll his eyes in amusement
"it's called necrophilia reggie. can you spell it?" jughead replied
"come here you little-" reggie said getting up from the couch
madison quickly got in front of jughead protectively
"wow montgomery didn't know you hung out with bottom feeders now." reggie replied
"just leave him alone." madison said in a cold tone.
"holy crap." reggie said grabbing madison's writs
"did you and donnie darko kill him together? was it some kind of pervy blood sacrifice thing?" he said tightening the grip on her wrist
she didn't say anything she just stood there wincing in pain
"not so high and mighty with out-"
"me." andrew said as reggie immediately let go of her wrist
madison rubbed her wrist and jughead grabbed her hand to get her away from reggie
"you touch my sister again and i'll be sure a lot worse happens to you then what i'm about to do." andrew said as everyone became confused
"boys." veronica said
then out of no where andrew shoved archie into the vending machine and archie pushed andrew to the ground but andrew got a good swing at archie and he was out
"that's for hurting my sister." andrew said as he stood up
"andrew what the hell." samantha said getting him out of the room
"what the hell just happened?" madison questioned
after everyone had fled it was just madison and jughead