46. dark side

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madisons outfit^^

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madisons outfit^^

"the craziest thing is, i have a secret brother out there in the world." betty said

she had explained how her mom was pregnant in her teens but gave the baby up for adoption because of hal

"that's amazing betty, a long-lost brother." madison said

"it's positively dickensian. i love a long-lost brother. how old would he be?" veronica asked

"mid 20s?" betty said

"oh my god, a blonde adonis no doubt." veronica said

"oh jugheads calling me." madison said

"hey why aren't you here? have you received any of my messages?" madison said putting the phone up to her ear

"i'm at southside high, maddie." jughead replied

"i'm sorry did i hear you correctly?" madison responded

"this is where i belong, okay? let's talk about this after school. And please madison don't worry about me." jughead said and then he hung up

madison let out a sigh as she placed her phone in her bag and turned to her friends

"where is he?" veronica asked

"is he okay?" andrew asked

"southside high. He thinks that's where he belongs because he feels like no one wants him here." madison said as archie let out a breath

"fp warned us jughead would cut himself off, go to the dark side." archie said looking at madison as she nodded in agreement

"what do we do?" andrew asked

"we can't let him go to the dark side." madison said

they all rushed into andrews car and andrew got behind the wheel with veronica in the front seat leaving archie and madison in the back


"where would he be?" veronica asked

"cafeteria." madison and archie answered

they got in the cafeteria to see him. he was with a group of new people and they were all laughing at something jughead had said

"jug?" betty spoke up causing him to turn around

"what are you guys doing here?" jughead asked them

after that madison and jughead went outside to talk.

"why didn't you tell me juggie?" madison asked

"i didn't tell you because you would've tried to stop me." Jughead replied

"damn right i would've. and i won't give up either." madison said crossing her arms over her chest

"maddie, the southside is where the powers-that-be want me. maybe i wanna be here as well. i may blend in better here. and it would keep you safe." jughead told her

"if you want me to be safe don't run off, i'm safest when i'm with you. and i'm not gonna let this civil war tear us apart jug, not now not ever." madison said as jughead pulled her into his chest and wrapped his arms tightly around her as she did the same

jughead and madisons moment was ruined when veronica received a text from cheryl saying thanks for trying i'm going to be with jason now

andrew looked over and saw the message

"what the hell? what does she mean." andrew asked

"where would she go to be with jason?" veronica asked

"oh my god ronnie we have to get to sweetwater river. right now." andrew said

"guys we have to go." veronica rushed out grabbing andrews hand as they rushed to the car


"cheryl!" veronica shouted

"cheryl!" archie shouted

"she's not here." andrew said feeling defeated

"cheryl!" madison shouted once more

"over there!" betty shouted pointing out to the field of ice

cheryl was smashing the ice trying to break it

"she's over there." veronica said as they all started shouting her name

"cheryl stop! what are you doing!" jughead shouted

"cheryl stop please!" madison shouted

jughead and the rest started running towards her but archie grabbed kughead as he heard the ice crack

"wait jug." archie said

"the ice. he's right, too much weight and we'll all go under." jughead said as archie continued to shout her name

"cheryl please!" veronica said as cheryl stood up and faced them

"cheryl just make your way to the shore and we can figure this out together, okay?" madison said

"we can't lose you too." andrew said

but it was too late. the ice had cracked and she fell under the icy cold water

the six teens then sprinted over to save her

"i picked the worst day to wear heels." madison said cursing to herself

"not the best time maddie." andrew said to his sister

they saw that cheryl was now under the ice

"the current has her." jughead said

"okay everyone spread out! spread out!" andrew shouted

they all started kicking and pushing the snow around and andrew found her and started punching the ice. he broke his hand but right now it didn't matter

the ice started getting bloody but andrew quickly broke the ice and dragged cheryl out of the water

she wasn't breathing and andrew started to give her cpr until she finally coughed up the water and andrew carried her back to veronica's house to get her dried off and get her warm

"you were amazing out there." veronica said joining andrew who was sitting on her bed

"thanks babe." andrew said looking up at her and giving her a small smile

"jason would be grateful for you." veronica said as she sat next to him and grabbed his hand placing it in her own

"i don't know what i would've done if i let her die. i think i owned it to myself to save her. as a way of-"

"as a way of forgiving yourself for jason." veronica said finishing his sentence as he looked at her and nodded

"that was really brave." veronica said as he pulled her close to him closing the gap between them as their lips molded together

"i love you." andrew said placing his forehead on top of hers

"and i love you." veronica replied with a smile

okay i'm sad this book is coming to an end :( only one more chapter maybe two

but if you like this comment and vote also don't forget to leave any questions you have for the characters, book or myself!

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