47. riverdale

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"ready honey?" jessica asked madison as she looked at her appearance in the mirror

"ready honey?" jessica asked madison as she looked at her appearance in the mirror

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madison outfit^^

madison had decided to take mayor mccoy up with her offer and make a speech for the jubilee

"yes also." madison replied

"don't be nervous about your speech sweetheart. just go up there and be your wonderful self." jessica told her

"i'm not worried about the speech mom. i'm worried about jughead. he's moving in with a foster family and switching school, meaning he's going to southside high. he says it won't change anything between us but i feel like it will." madison said as her eyes starting tearing


archie and madison were backstage along with andrew and veronica

"your hand." veronica said noticing andrews hand was all bandaged from punching the ice

"that's what i get for fighting with ice i guess." andrew said with a chuckle causing veronica to laugh

she wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace not wanting to let him go

"those two they're pretty good together." archie said to madison as she nodded

"you know veronica used to be afraid of herself, her past self. andrew was the only one who really knew." madison said

"how?" archie asked

"he listened to her. he paid attention. he remembered." madison replied looking at archie

"welcome one and all to riverdales 75th anniversary jubilee celebration! i couldn't be anymore thrilled to introduce my daughter, josie and her pussycats, as they perform alongside our local hero archie andrews." mayor mccoy announced

the pussycats decided to sing a song that archie wrote about his friends and they also let veronica sing with them

when josie, melody, valerie, veronica and archie got off stage madison walked up to say her speech

"good evening ladies and gentlemen. i'd like to start off with thanking mayor mccoy by giving me the very honor to speak on this historic day. 75 years of riverdale." madison began and then she noticed jughead walked in and it made her feel less nervous knowing he was in the audience

"if someone were to ask, what is riverdale? the answer is simple. it's the people right? you, me, our friends, our neighbors. archie andrews is riverdale. kevin keller is riverdale. betty cooper is riverdale. veronica lodge is riverdale. samantha and andrew montgomery, they're riverdale. danielle montgomery, she's riverdale. however, people were quick to assume the worst from her and she left town feeling unwelcome. you know who else is riverdale? fp jones. who we were so quick to blame for jason's murder." madison said as everyone started whispering about her speech

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