78. carrie

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madison and kevin were directing a play for carrie the musical and they were having a hard time with auditions because cheryl wanted to be carrie

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madison and kevin were directing a play for carrie the musical and they were having a hard time with auditions because cheryl wanted to be carrie.

kevin and madison weren't exactly thinking cheryl for carrie but they didn't feel they could just say no to her.

"welcome to carrie the musical." kevin said.

"now, let's get started with introductions." madison said.

"i'm, uh, archie. i'm playing tommy ross, the boy next door." archie said.

"i'm betty. i play sue snell, the good girl." betty said.

"veronica lodge, playing mean girl chris hargensen." veronica said.

"i'm cheryl blossom, playing the iconic role of carrie white." cheryl said.

"who's playing your mom, margaret white?" ethel asked.

"i am." alice said walking in.

"mom." betty said.

"wait, seriously?" ethel asked kevin and madison.

"settle down. yes, it's untraditional. but to me there's nothing more amateur than age inappropriate casting." kevin said.

"so, with that said we are grateful that alice has accepted the role." madison said.

"i'm looking forward to getting to know this woman, get under her skin. and of course, spend some quality time with my daughter elizabeth." alice said.

"ah, sorry. i thought rehearsal was in the music room." chuck said.

"no problem. all are welcome here." kevin replied.


"okay, act one, scene one." kevin said as everyone looked at their scripts.

"actually... before we begin... i've heard whisperings that spoke of you ensemble vultures don't think i'm fit to play, or sing... the role of carrie white. so, to settle this matter once and for all... maestro?" cheryl said.

"look, cheryl-" madison tried to say but cheryl started to sing regardless.

"wow. i think i speak for everyone when i say that was undeniable, cheryl." kevin said.

but as she was walking back to her seat, a sand bag fell.


madison and jughead were watching the rehearsal and jughead was recording since he was documenting the behind the scenes of the play.

after the rehearsal jughead and madison went to the blue and gold office and he showed her a letter kevin received from someone pretending to be the black hood.

"well, there's no way this is real." madison said looking over it.

"it's a legit threat, but it's not from the real black hood. no. this is a classic phantom of the opera tactic. mystery man sends menacing note demanding a certain diva soprano gets recast or else..." jughead said.

"who's to say this was a mystery man?" madison asked.

"that's a good point." jughead replied.

madison and jughead asked betty to go talk to ethel and see if she could be the one who made the letter.

ethel ended up seeing jughead recording her which made her angry and she walked away.


"in this scene, teacher mrs. gardener is being a friend when our girl has none, out of sheer kindness." kevin said.

"i'll fake it as best i can." josie said as she began to sing on stage with cheryl.

"stop, stop, stop!" cheryl said.

"i'm sorry but we're the only ones allowed to say stop." madison said.

"i can't do this. i can't have you hating me while we're singing about friendship. i know everything i did was legit crazy, josie. but i was wrestling with some dark, carrie white like demons. and i'm so, so sorry. so, please, please forgive me." cheryl said before they started to sing again.

kevin and madison looked at each other and smiled because they sounded so good together.

the next scene was veronica singing and after it was done everyone clapped.

"okay, veronica, i am obsessed with everything that just happened." kevin told her.

"good job, babe." andrew said walking on stage and kissing her.

"thank you. it helps to be off book and in full costume." veronica said.

"don't be so modest. you're the literal embodiment of chris. never has a role been so perfectly typecast." betty said.

"betty." archie said.

"what was that, betty?" veronica asked her.

"i mean, think about it. spoiled rich girl, check. major daddy issues, check. bad to the bone, trying to control everyone around her, including her boyfriend and best friend, check, check, check." betty said.

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