98. testimony of nuns

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the quarantine lasted five weeks. it was finally over and madison and jughead finally were able to see each other.

the couple was walking down the hallway holding hands and they saw cheryl and toni walking over to them also hand in hand

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the couple was walking down the hallway holding hands and they saw cheryl and toni walking over to them also hand in hand.

"blossom. topaz. break it up." moose said.

"bite me, moose." cheryl said.

"you too, jones. montgomery." moose said.

"excuse you?" madison said.

"it's one of the new school rules, guys. all physical contact must be kept to a minimum." kevin said.

"that's the dumbest rule i've ever heard." madison said.

"that doesn't make any sense. there hasn't been any seizures for weeks and everything tested came back negative." toni said.

"rrotc doesn't make the rules." kevin said.

"no. you just enforce them, like the crypto fascists you are. come on, tee tee." cheryl said before grabbing toni's hand and walking away.

madison turned to jughead and they both rolled their eyes at kevin before walking away.

"this school hasn't been the same without you and drew." madison said as jughead looked at her.

"he'll come back one day, maddie." jughead told her.

"yeah, i know. i'm just hoping him and archie are safe." madison replied.


that night, madison went over to veronica's speakeasy to talk to her

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that night, madison went over to veronica's speakeasy to talk to her.

"hey, maddie. how've you been doing?" veronica asked her when she walked up to her.

"i've been dealing, how've you been?" madison asked her.

after andrew left, veronica tried her hardest to stop thinking about him but she just couldn't.

"it's been hard. have you heard from him?" veronica asked her.

"no, i wish i have. no ones heard from him." madison replied giving veronica a sad smile.

madison walked away to go get herself a drink and she couldn't help but notice how close reggie and veronica seemed to be.


after coming back from the speakeasy, she went home and jughead had come to sleepover for the night.

the two of them were asleep and jughead was woken up when he felt madison moving in her sleep.

he knew that she had been having nightmares a lot lately. she was going crazy worrying about her twin brother.

madison shot up from her sleep and she turned to see jughead giving her a sad smile, she also noticed his hair was all messily.

"was it another nightmare?" jughead asked her as she nodded her head and he brought her into his arms and kissed the top of her head.

"i'm so sorry for waking you up." madison told him as he looked back at her.

"hey, it's okay." jughead said before pulling her into a kiss.

"go back to sleep, jug." madison told him.

"i couldn't sleep anyway. you know betty told me one of the serpents are dealing frizzle rocks, that's my fault, i was gone for too long. i left the serpents high and dry. i left you high and dry." jughead said as madison shock her head.

"no, you were just trying to protect archie and andrew." madison said reaching to grab his hand.

"yeah, and while i was busy protecting andrew and the red paladin, hiram made a play for the entire town and he got it. fizzle rocks are everywhere. weatherbees running riverdale high like it's a police state. we don't even have an elected sheriff yet. quarantine? why would he want the town quarantined? and it can't just be because he wants to expand his candy business and make more money, can it?" jughead asked.

"betty said that hiram was playing the sisters of quiet mercy to test out his drugs on the patients there. i really don't see how he could possibly get away with that." madison said.

"god, could you imagine? hiram lodge finally paying for his crimes brought down by the testimony of nuns." jughead said as madison laid down on his chest.

"well, maybe that means andrew could come back home. wherever he is." madison said.

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