48. pureheart the powerful

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the montgomery siblings had no idea why their mother hadn't come home last night

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the montgomery siblings had no idea why their mother hadn't come home last night. they had no idea that not only had fred andrews been shot, but so did jessica montgomery.

archie who didn't even have a drivers license yet, drove the two victims to the hospital without wrecking the truck.

the two adults were rushed inside and immediately brought into surgery.

madison got a call from archie the night morning, it didn't take samantha long to drive them down to the hospital where their father already was.

madison pulled out her phone and quickly dialed jugheads number.

"hey maddie." jughead said.

"um, my mom she's been shot uh, can you please meet me at the hospital?" madison asked him.

jugheads heart broke at the sound of her voice, she sounded completely destroyed.

"yes, of course i'll be there as fast as i can." jughead replied as he hung up.

samantha, andrew, madison and archie were all sitting around the hospital as raymond went and asked the nurse some questions.

"guys?" veronica said walking in with betty and jughead.

madison looked behind them and saw hermione, hal and alice.

"oh, my god." veronica said, walking over to give andrew a hug.

jughead quickly went over to madison, wrapping her into his arms. betty was hugging archie. samantha made everyone start a group hug.

after everything had calmed down a little, archie and the rest of the group sat down as archie told them what happened.

"i came out of the bathroom and there was this man, a thief... wearing this hood, with a gun on pop tate. and then he pointed it at my dad and your mom and he fired." archie explained.

"oh, my god, archie." betty said.

"and then he-" archie said but he paused.

"and then he what?" betty asked.

"and then he bolted. and i was holding my dad and mrs. montgomery. pop tate called an ambulance, and it didn't come so i drove here- and i don't know, maybe i should've waited. maybe, i made it worse." archie said.

"no, dude. are you kidding me? you saved their lives. first cheryl, and now your dad and mrs. montgomery. if you keep this up, you'll need a superhero name. like pureheart the powerful." jughead said, comforting archie.

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