31. first session

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it had been five days since jugheads party. five days since andrew saw veronica kissing archie.

andrew had been sent to therapy after his parents found out what happened at sweetwater river

it was the first session and andrew sat there for a couple of minutes before being called in to see the therapist

"hello andrew, my names dr. miller but you can call me lana if you want." the woman spoke

andrew looked at her and nodded

"so it says here that you were diagnosed with anxiety at 14 and that you were trying to hurt yourself after a breakup." dr. miller said

"it was more than that." andrew spoke up keeping his eyes on the floor

"what do you mean?" she asked tilting her head

"she cheated on me." andrew said quietly

"how so?" dr. miller asked

"i caught her kissing someone else." andrew told her

"and that's what made you sink so low?" she asked carefully as he nodded

"i loved her with everything in me. she didn't realize how much i actually loved her, whenever i felt a panic attack coming on or i felt nervous about anything i went to her." andrew explained as she nodded

"she was your anchor?" dr. miller said it being more of a statement than a question

"was, now i'm not so sure." andrew replied

"well how are you feeling right now?" dr. miller asked

"i don't feel anything." he said quietly


madison's outfit^^

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madison's outfit^^

madison was in her room trying to get her mind off andrew so she sat down on her piano and started to play while singing someone like you by adele

she then found herself playing with her necklace that andrew had given her on her 13th birthday

she felt a tear roll down her cheek

"i haven't heard you play piano in years." madison heard turning her head to see jughead by her door

she wiped the tear on her face and jughead gave her a small frown

"your mother let me in." jughead told her as she nodded softly

jughead sat next to her on the bench and grabbed her hand

"maddie i'm here if you need to talk." jughead said quietly

"andrew tried to kill himself a few days ago for god sakes, now he's seeing a freaking therapist and all people are worried about if if i need to talk." madison ranted

"are you okay?" jughead asked softly

"i'm fine jughead that's the problem! i'm fine and andrew isn't! andrew is not okay and that's not okay!" madison said as she broke down in tears

jughead immediately wrapped her in his arms and held her as she let out her tears

"i can't lose andrew." madison said

"you won't." madison heard a familiar voice say as her head shot up and she saw andrew who had just gotten home

"oh andy." madison said as she got up and he wrapped his arms tightly around his twin sister

"i promise i'll never leave you maddie." andrew said stroking her hair

"good." madison replied letting go of him finally

"i'm going to murder archie and then kick veronicas ass-"

"madison. don't hurt her." andrew told her with a serious but low tone

"okay andy, but archie is gonna get it." madison said as andrew let out a small chuckle

"there's that laugh." madison said with a smile as andrew smiled back at her


raymond and jessica were worried that clifford might come after their businesses since they were close friends of hiram

"raymond you don't think hiram would've actually hurt that kid do you?" jessica asked referring to jason

"knowing hiram we can't rule him out so quickly. remember what he was willing to do to stop your business." raymond reminded his wife

"he tried to shut down my clothing enterprise. yes raymond but only because he was worried i would get more success than hermione." jessica replied

"just don't rule him out so quickly dear." raymond said

"you're right, everyone is a suspect right now including clifford and penelope."

hey! hope you like this it's just a filler tho, vote and comment if you liked it.

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