72. jalapeño margaritas

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veronica invited madison and jughead to go to the cabin with her and andrew for a romantic getaway

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veronica invited madison and jughead to go to the cabin with her and andrew for a romantic getaway. she also invited betty and archie to tag along.

"fair warning, our middle aged cabin is rustic but it has breathtaking views of the mountains, the water." veronica explained.

"that sounds lovely, ronnie." madison said with a smile.

"oh, my god. that sounds heavenly, v." betty said.

"what do you say, jug? think you can bear it?" madison asked her boyfriend.

"as long as it's cool with you dad." jughead told veronica.

"oh, hiram actually suggested it." andrew told him.

"yeah." veronica agreed as she looked at her boyfriend.

"well, then cue the dueling banjos. what? it'll also be a good chance for me to work on my novel." jughead said.

"excellent. but remember, the point of this luxury weekend is to relax and unplug." veronica said.

"luxury and weekend. two of my favorite words. so, where are we going and how extravagant a wardrobe should i pack?" cheryl said walking into the room.

"sorry, cheryl. it's kind of a romantic couples only weekend." veronica told her.

"i see. of course. my mistake. well, have fun with your romances." cheryl said before leaving the room.


they all got into the car and andre drove them to the cabin and dropped them off.

"when i was younger, we used to come here every summer, whenever my dad could sneak away for a weekend." veronica said as andrew wrapped his arms around her shoulders from behind and kissed her cheek.

"veronica wasn't kidding. it really was the last house on the left." jughead said.

"i'll help you with the bags." andre said.

"no, we've got it. andrew?" veronica said as andrew went and grabbed the bags from andre.

"ttfn andre. we'll see you sunday night at 7pm and not a second earlier." veronica said.

"betty, maddie, wait till you see the inside." veronica said walking her two best friends inside.

they walked inside and saw a beautiful large cabin.

"oh, my god." betty said.

"welcome to what i humbly like to call lodge lodge." veronica said as madison smiled.

jughead and madison went up to their room and started to put their things in the drawers.

all the sudden the two of them could hear a bed shaking and madison rolled her eyes.

"is that their response to everything? why can't they ever just have a normal conversation." jughead said making madison laugh.

she knew that andrew and veronica were probably the cause or the noise.

after an hour or two, madison and jughead walked downstairs and saw andrew and veronica.

"hey, guys." madison said.

"hey." andrew said.

"hi." veronica said.

"so, where are these jalapeño margaritas you told me about?" madison asked.

"who wants one?" veronica asked.

they took their drinks and went into the hot tub. it was a nice way for everyone to relax from all the drama that's been going on.

after they all got out of the hot tube, madison saw that jughead was distracted with a book.

she went over to him and started to kiss his neck making him put the book down.

"what are you doing?" jughead asked her.

"well, i thought you needed distracting from all that reading." madison told him as she straddled him.

"well, consider me distracted." jughead said kissing his beautiful girlfriend.

back in their room, veronica and andrew started to hear a bed making noise.

"oh, my god... are they?" veronica asked as andrew moved a pillow by his ears.

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