20. the blossoms

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after the whole situation with jughead was over madison, archie, jughead, veronica, andrew and betty were at pops with polly waiting for the blossoms to come give her some money

"the blossoms will be here any minute now." madison said

"then once we talk it over with them we call mom and dad. are you nervous?" betty asked polly

"no i'm thankful. at the home the sisters told me we all have a guardian angel, you're mine betty." polly said as betty smiled

everyone turned when they heard the bell ding

it was samantha

"polly?" samantha said with a smile

"sammie." polly said rushing over to hug her

"i'm so glad you're here." samantha said

just as polly was gonna respond she saw cheryl walk in

"cheryl." polly said as cheryl looked to her then at her stomach

"i'm so sorry about jason. i know how much you loved him. he always talked about how much he loved you." polly told cheryl

"cheryl where are your mom and dad?" betty asked

"you have to leave. now. my parents, i don't think they want to help you." cheryl said

"wait what are you talking about?" betty asked

"they want you out of the picture polly. it's not safe for you with them. it's not safe for jay-jays baby." cheryl told her

"where am I gonna go? i can't go back to the attic." polly panicked

"no, you don't have to polly. and betty, don't worry about my mom, she'll wanna help." veronica said


now that polly was going to stay with veronica and it was figured out, madison and jughead went back stayed at pops

"you know it's been so long since i've taken photos with my camera." madison said

"then let's go back to your house and get your camera." jughead said as madison laughed

jughead got out of his seat and got up holding his hand out to madison

"you're serious." madison said as jughead nodded

madison smiled and took his hand and they walked back to her house

"you can come up if you want." madison said

"no i'll stay here." jughead said as she nodded and went to her room

"i've never seen her this happy you know." andrew said walking in the room

"what about archie? wasn't she happy then?" jughead asked

"not like this. don't hurt her jughead." andrew said

"i won't." jughead said

"but you and veronica, are you happy?" jughead asked with a smile

"i love her man." andrew said smiling to himself

"okay i'm ready." madison said coming downstairs with her camera around her neck

"you kids have fun." andrew said as they were out the door

when jughead and madison left there was a knock on the door, andrew opened it to reveal veronica

"hey veronica, come in." andrew said surprised not expecting her but he wasn't gonna complain

veronica walked in and he shut the door and then she turned to him

"andrew if i ask you something will you be honest with me?" veronica asked

"of course babe what is it?" andrew said and veronica's heart skipped a beat when he said babe

"you seemed so odd when you saw polly, why?" veronica asked him. he let out a sigh and sat down on the couch putting his hands together

"before jason died we had a fight, not like ordinary friend fights. it was big. he accused me of getting polly pregnant, he thought i- he thought i slept with polly." andrew said

"wow." veronica said sitting down next to him not sure what to say

"and i didn't of course but he didn't believe me. the worst part was what i said next." andrew said shallowing the lump in his throat he didn't know was there

"i told him i wished he was dead." andrew said quietly as a tear ran down his face

veronica grabbed his hand and squeezed it softly

"i've hated myself ever since, what kind of person says that to his best friend? it was the last thing i said to him. now i can't even apologize or say goodbye." andrew said and then he lost it he started to sob and veronica wrapped her arms around him and he sobbed into her hair

"you may hate yourself and think you're not worthy of better but that's where you're wrong andrew montgomery because i love you." veronica said caressing his hair

his sobs stopped and he lifted his head from veronica's neck and kissed her snapping his eyes shut

she was taken back at first but responded immediately moving her lips against his

veronica pulled away to get some air and andrew put his hand on her cheek and caressed her face and she just looked at him with admiration

"i love you too." andrew said giving her a weak smile


jughead and madison went around riverdale taking photos and laughing at dumb stuff

"at least i know i haven't lost my touch when it comes to photography." madison said with a giggle

"can i see your camera for a sec?" jughead asked, madison nodded in response and passed jughead her camera

he started to take pictures of her as but she didn't notice right away

"are you taking pictures of my jones?" madison asked finally noticing

"you're just really photogenic." jughead said with a small smile

madison looked at him in admiration before wrapping her arms around the back of his neck and pulling him closer to her as he closed the gap between them

madison smiled into that kiss and then finally pulled away

"i still can't believe a guy like me has a girl like you." jughead said chuckling to himself

"well believe it, cause i'm here and i don't plan on leaving." madison said grabbing his hand

once madison got a few more pictures jughead walked her home to make sure she'd get home safe

"goodnight jughead." madison said kissing his cheek

"goodnight madison." he said smiling at her as she entered her home he grinned to himself and walked off

so we finally found out why jason and andrew had a fight, leave some questions about the chapter or for the characters or for me!

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