21. math homework

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andrew was sitting on the couch while he was on the phone with veronica

"i was wondering if you'd be willing to come to my house so you can help me with math homework." andrew asked his girlfriend into the phone

"fine i'll be there in 5 minutes." veronica said with a chuckle

"perfect thank you." andrew replied

"wait babe i think it'll have to wait, sheriff keller is here but i'll text you when i can go over. i have to go now but i love you." veronica said

"i love you too." andrew said smiling as the words came out of his mouth

he put his phone down on the coffee table and went back to his math homework

"you really love this lodge girl don't you?" raymond said taking a seat in the living room while looking at the news on his ipad

andrew let out a soft chuckle and rolled his eyes

"now son i'm not making fun i noticed you seem so much happier, this girl must be really special." raymond said with a wink

"she is dad." andrew said looking down at his pencil in his hand while smiling like an idiot

he was madly in love with veronica lodge and he couldn't do anything to stop it

he only had eyes for her and her only, he's dated girls in the past but never like veronica, she was different


madison was at archie's house since jughead was living there for the moment

they were sitting in the kitchen eating some pizza

they were sitting in the kitchen eating some pizza

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madison's outfit^

"wait where is archie?" madison asked taking a bite out of her pizza

"oh he's on a date with valerie." jughead replied

"he doesn't know i'm here does he?" madison questioned with a giggle

"nope."jughead replied then attached his lips to hers

she wrapped her arms around his torso and then pulled away slowly

"what's on your mind madison?" jughead asked noticing she was a bit on edge

"i was just thinking of danielle that's all." she replied as jughead gave her a sympathetic look and then wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace

"remember i won't leave you." jughead said quietly then kissed the top of her head


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