102. red light district

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hiram and danielle's first order of business was finding out who shot hiram.

hiram was talking to jughead, fangs and sweet pea about tall boy.

danielle heard her phone ring and she walked off to the side to answer it.

"deputy, montgomery." danielle said with a smirk.

"danielle, we have a problem. a big problem." samantha said on the other end.

"what is it?" danielle asked her.

"betty said she's looking into clifford blossoms death. she doesn't think it actually was a suicide." samantha said as danielle let out a sigh.

"okay, calm down, i'll handle it, sammie." danielle replied.

jughead looked over at danielle and he couldn't help but wonder who and what she was talking about.


jughead and madison were at the local hotel looking for a woman

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jughead and madison were at the local hotel looking for a woman.

jughead had learned from hermoine that hiram had been having an affair with some blonde woman.

veronica had given jughead money to try and figure out himself who shot hiram. and of course, madison was there to help him.

"so, who's this blond bombshell that you're tracking?" madison asked teasingly.

"hirams mistress. he broke things off with her. she may want revenge." jughead explained to her.

"that's interesting. how exactly do we find her?" madison asked him.

"concierge tipped me off about the floor, but i wish they'd given me a room number." jughead said.

madison stopped in front of a door and she noticed it only had a red light on the door, no number.

"hm, maybe there wasn't a room number to give you." madison said as jughead knocked on the door.

"thanks for coming with me, by the way." jughead said to her.

"it's no problem. you know i'd do anything for you." madison said before kissing him.

"it doesn't look like anyone home." madison said grabbing his hand but jughead stood still.

"would bogart move on? let's just give it a try." jughead said as madison let out a chuckle.

jughead was able to open the door since it was unlocked and he looked back at madison.

"what kind of hotel room is left unlocked?" madison questioned as they stepped inside the room.

they could hear french music playing and they saw girls everywhere walking around.

"okay, apparently there's a not so secret sex club in riverdale." madison said as they heard a whip being cracked.

they pushed past a curtain, and jughead went to talk to one of the women.

"excuse me. what is this place?" jughead asked her as the woman's client ran off.

"it's the maple club. a safe place, as long as you know the safe word." the woman told them.

"right." madison said nodding her head.

"have you seen this woman? she ever come in here?" jughead asked holding up the blonds picture.

"you just scared off one of my clients." the woman said.

"all right." madison said letting out a sigh and she took some cash out of her purse and passed it to the woman.

jughead pulled the picture back up and the woman looked down at it this time.

"she doesn't work here, but i see her around. try room 311." the woman said.

"laura, why did mr. arklight leave in such a rush?" penelope blossom asked as she walked in the room.

"what are you two doing here? you know this is a private club. get out." penelope told them.

"i think the word you mean to use is brothel." madison said.

"by the way, does the new sheriff know there's a new red light district in riverdale?" jughead asked her as penelope rolled her eyes.


"my time is costly children, so, what do you want?" penelope asked.

"betty told me you were an escort, penelope, but now you're also exploiting other women?" madison said as penelope chuckled.

"these women aren't victims, madison. at the maple club, it is the men who suffer. we specialize in domination. these ladies make enough to start new lives." penelope said.

"oh, come on. you're only helping yourself." madison said.

"and why shouldn't i? no one else ever has. when i was eight years old, i was plucked from the sisters of quiet mercy by the blossom family." penelope began.

"is that why you poisoned the sisters because they sold you to the blossoms?" jughead asked her.

"i didn't kill those nuns. and, anyway... it was the so called monsignor who sold me, not the sisters." penelope argued.

"all right, fine. so, you didn't kill the fake nuns. did you kill claudius?" madison asked.

"he committed suicide, so i was told." penelope replied.

"it's pretty convenient, don't you think?" jughead asked her.

"either way, i was right here when the poor man died. ask any of my girls." penelope replied.


"fun fact of the day, penelope is the madam of a kink club." jughead said as madison chuckled.

"okay, but her sob story doesn't change the fact that she's probably a stone cold murderer." madison said.

"do you wanna check out room 311? i could use one of your bobby pins." jughead said as her phone vibrated.

"sorry, it's andrew. i should go." madison said as jughead nodded.

"oh, here." madison said taking a bobby pin out of her hair and passing it to him.

he smiled at her before pulling her into a kiss. they pulled away with smiles on their faces.

"i love you." jughead said.

"i love you, too." madison replied.

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