62. a perfect storm

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andrew and veronica were cuddling in front of the fireplace in the pembrooke.

"you know, when i first enrolled at south side high i was scared that i was going to lose you." andrew told her as veronica put her hands on both sides of his face.

"oh, andykins. you could never lose me." veronica told him as she caressed his face.

"i love you, ronnie." andrew said as veronica pulled him into a kiss.

"i love you too, andy." veronica replied.


madison, betty and samantha met up with jughead at pops that morning to discuss something that a truck driver said to jughead

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madison, betty and samantha met up with jughead at pops that morning to discuss something that a truck driver said to jughead. something about their being a riverdale reaper long time ago.

"sorry, there was no service in the bowels of city hall." jughead told her.

"it's fine, just tell me what you found. any truth to what the creepy truck driver told you about the murdered family?" madison asked her boyfriend.

"yes. shockingly, freddy kruger didn't lie to me. a family of four was murdered by someone the press called the riverdale reaper. the victims were jim and mary ellen conway and their kids. tommy was 10 and sue was 9. the reaper was never caught or identified, so he could be our black hood. but i'm dubious. he would be in his 60s by now." jughead told them.

"it's still a possibility." samantha said.

"why did he do it? kill them?" betty asked.

"the reporter of the article talked to a sheriff at the time, who thought the killer chose at random or because their house was isolated." jughead said.

"where was it?" betty asked.

"edge of fox forest down some service road. here. there's a picture of it." jughead said showing the girls the article.

"oh, my god." betty said.

"what is it?" madison asked her.

"we've been to this house before. betty and i." samantha said.

"the black hood sent us to it as part of his game." betty said.

"well, then, there's definitely a link between the hood and the reaper. we should talk to keller, pull files from the murders. at least get a list of all the players." jughead said.

"no, jughead, i can't go to sheriff keller. not after i accused him of being the black hood." betty said.

"you accused tom keller of being the black hood?" madison asked as betty nodded.

"right. yeah, that would be awkward. we could go to the house." jughead said.

"i can't go back there, jug. he made me look in a mirror, and what i saw staring back at me, i don't wanna do that again." betty said.

"then you don't have to, b." madison told him.

then jughead phone started to ring and he had received some great news. his dad was getting out of jail.


betty got archie, andrew and veronica into the same room.

"so, the reason i called you in here.." betty trailed off.

"my dad is getting out of jail." jughead said as madison wrapped her arms around him.

"jug, that's great." archie said.

"yeah. what heralded this miracle?" veronica asked.

"uh... overcrowding at the jail. i guess the judge reviewed my dad's case, and after cheryl's testimony, it was a perfect storm." jughead said.

"what do you need from us, jug?" andrew asked.

"we have a new lead on the black hood case. and jughead and i were wondering if you guys would follow up on it for us." madison explained.

"we can give you all of the details, the articles." betty said.

"it's muse that i have to be there for my dad, to help with his re entry, so..." jughead said.

"uh, yeah, and i'm just taking a break from the black hood." betty said.

"and i've got some stuff to deal with for danielle." madison said.

"wait, so, you want us to be... you guys?" veronica asked.

"essentially, yes. what, is there a problem with that?" jughead asked them.


jughead and madison went down to the wyth wyrm so jughead could tell the serpents the good news.

"i have an announcement to make, my dad's getting out tomorrow." jughead said as everyone cheered and clapped.

"when he does, i'll bring him up to speed about our plans with mayor mccoy." jughead said.

"that's brilliant." tall boy said.

"do you have a problem with that, tall boy?" jughead asked.

"your old man? no. i got no problem with him. but you want us to sit down with the mayor." tall boy said.

"i do, he's right. i think we can bring the southside back. but it's gonna take work. and it's going to take compromise." jughead said.

"we can bring the southside back. you've been here all five minutes." tall boy said.

"tall down, step down." danielle told him.

"tall boy, i am sick of you act like a little bitch, whispering behind our backs that andrew, madison and i are only half a serpent or that we don't belong here." jughead said.

"why don't we do this serpent style and put it to a vote. if you guys think what jughead is doing is wrong, we'll step aside." madison said.

"all those who stand with jughead and the montgomerys and think tall boy should shut the hell up?" toni said as her and a bunch of others raised their hands.

tall boy ended up walking out of the room and madison smiled at toni and she smiled back.

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