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kevin had a secret santa going on with all the gang

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kevin had a secret santa going on with all the gang. archie, andrew, reggie, cheryl, veronica, josie, betty, jughead and madison were all in the room exchanging presents.

"veronica its your turn." kevin said passing her the mystery gift gift.

"oh, a gift certificate for a couples massage. thanks, josie." veronica said as her and andrew looked at each other and smiled.

"dear god, can we please get this torture over with?" cheryl said.

"betty, you're next, and mercifully last." kevin said.

"well, i think i know who picked my name based on these wrapping skills." betty said looking over at archie.

"archie." betty said when she saw her gift.

"my dad and i were cleaning out the garage, and i found it." archie said.

"swiss family robinson?" veronica asked reading the book cover.

"yeah, it's this old read along record we used to listen to when we were, like, 5. oh, my god. i love it, arch. thank you." betty said.

"hey, merry christmas." moose said coming in with midge since he was walking with a cane.

"moose." reggie said.

"hey." everyone said.

"hi, midge." josie said hugging her.


jughead and madison into the office of the blue and gold and madison looked up at him.

"can you tell me why you dragged me all the way over here?" madison asked with a chuckle.

"merry christmas." jughead said pulling out a present to give it to her.

"merry christmas to you, too." madison said grabbing his present as well and they both exchanged gifts.

"you didn't have to get me a gift, maddie." jughead told her as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"well, i did anyway." madison said with a smile.

"my christmas gift is right in front of me." jughead said looking into madison's eyes.

madison smiled and she pressed her lips on top of his. when they pulled away, jughead was smiling at him.

"i love you, jughead jones." madison said.

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