80. copycat killer

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all of riverdale was gathered around the graveyard for midges funeral

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all of riverdale was gathered around the graveyard for midges funeral.

sheriff keller went around and questioned everyone. as it turns out ethel was the one who made those fake letters, but she wasn't the who hurt midge.

as the gang was walking back they saw midges mother slap sheriff keller.

after that, the gang went over to pops.

"i have a theory. it's a copycat killer. and who coincidentally showed up in riverdale after mr. svenson was killed? has been giving us creepy vibes ever since? chic. he has a temper, too." jughead said.

"chic is here because i went to the hostel to get him. and, yes, he's weird but he didn't know midge. so, moving on." betty said.

"what if svenson wasn't the black hood?" archie asked.

"archie, we were there when he died." betty reminded him.

"i know, but just because he was wearing a hood that night, it doesn't necessarily mean he's the same guy who shot my dad. and now killed midge." archie said.

"svenson forced me to bury you alive. he cut off his own finger and sent it to me." betty said.

"maybe the real black hood cut it up because he was working with svenson." archie said.

"and svenson would have let himself be mutilated?" veronica asked.

"yeah, arch it doesn't make any sense." andrew said.

"look, all i'm trying to say is the real black hood could still be alive. i looked into the black hoods eyes. they weren't mr. svensons eyes." archie told them.


madison got a phone call from veronica saying that andrew was taken by nick st

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madison got a phone call from veronica saying that andrew was taken by nick st. clair.

madison told samantha and danielle making all of them go over to veronica's house so they could figure out a plan.

nick said he wanted a million dollars and he'd give andrew back.

"let's skip the pleasantries. i have your money, nick." veronica told him.

veronica had stolen the money from her father's safe.

"well done, ronnie. meet me at that delightful chock lit shoppe of yours. in, say, an hour? and come alone. or andy loses even more blood." nick said before he hung up the phone.


veronica waited at pops and madison, samantha and danielle were sitting at another booth watching nick.

nick told veronica that if they went on a date he would let andrew go. veronica agreed but she also had other things in store for nick.

andrew ended up breaking free from being tied up to a chair and he quickly ran to the five season and busted into veronica's room.

when he got in there, he saw that nick was on the floor and he looked up at veronica.

"ronnie." he said.

"andrew, oh, my god your face." veronica said but andrew just cupped her face and kissed her.

"did he hurt you?" andrew asked her.

"no, not a bit. i gave nick a taste of his own medicine. i roofied him. smuggled in via your christmas gift." veronica explained as he kissed her again.

andrew tied up nick and veronica called nicks parents.

"andrew." madison said when she saw him and she ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

samantha and danielle also walked in and they hugged their little brother.

"god, you scared the hell out of me." madison said pulling him into a hug again and she didn't feel like letting him go.

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