88. true face of evil

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madison got a text from jughead asking to meet in the blue and gold office

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madison got a text from jughead asking to meet in the blue and gold office.

once she got in there, he told her about how he found dilton doley... dead.

"wait, dilton is dead?" madison asked.

"yeah. and ben from the drive in? he's barely hanging on. doctors don't know when, or if, he's even gonna wake up. sheriff minetta asked me to keep it hush hush for the families sake but, maddie, what i saw was..." jughead trailed off.

"what, juggie?" madison asked.

"it was like a ritual site. their lips were blue. there were these chalices, that were filled with poison or something. animal bones were in a circle. the tree had markings on it. there was a winged totem, with a skull and branches." jughead said.

"so are you saying this was a murder or just some suicide pact gone horribly wrong?" madison asked her boyfriend as he took off his beanie and ran his fingers through his hair.

"i have no idea. i saw ben and dilton. they were playing this weird game at pops. dilton was raving about someone called the gargoyle king. i was also thinking that maybe you, betty and i could investigate this together. for old times sake. or at least until we catch a new lead with andrew and archie's case." jughead said as madison walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his torso.

"i would love to." madison said before kissing him.

"i need something to keep my mind off things right now." madison admitted as jughead smiled at her.


madison and jughead met up with betty and they went to the morgue.

"dr. curdle?" betty asked as the guy turned around.

"oh. you're not-" betty began.

"i'm his son. we spoke over the phone earlier. i took over after my father passed away." mr. curdle explained.

"oh, i'm sorry." betty said.

"do you have the money?" he asked betty as she passed it to him.

"the toxicology report revealed lethal levels of cyanide in mr. doileys blood. i surmise the surviving boy didn't drink enough to finish the job." he explained.

"dr. curdle, if you had to guess, murder or suicide?" betty asked.

"well, the body did show signs of stress. three symbols carved out on his back. runic, i'd say." dr. curdle said as he pulled back the sheet to show them.

"would you mind if i got a shot of this?" jughead asked as he nodded and he took some photos.

"look at his lips." madison said seeing they were blue.

"what caused, uh... the blue lips?" betty asked.

"the cyanide was mixed into a sugary drink called fresh aid. blueberry flavored. there's something dimly familiar about this. but you asked me before if i thought this was murder, or suicide. i'm not sure what it is, but whatever it is, its darker than what happened to jason blossom, or what the black hood did. no, what we're looking at here, i believe, is the true face of evil." dr. curdle said.


veronica, danielle and samantha were all at the prison to visit andrew while betty went to see archie.

"where's madison?" andrew asked as the three girls looked at each other.

"um, did you get in with the serpents?" samantha asked changing the subject.

"yeah, but archie on the other hand isn't going with what they want." andrew said.

"and they're keeping you safe, right?" veronica asked as andrew nodded.

"yeah, i'm okay, ronnie." andrew said as they locked eyes.

"we're gonna find a way to get you out of here." danielle said as andrew gave her a strange look.

"what?" she asked him.

"it's joaquin. he's in here, dani." andrew told her as danielle's eyes went wide.

"what happened?" danielle asked.

"when he tried to help fangs escape during riot night, they got him and put him in here. he misses you." andrew said as a small smile grew on danielle's face.

"tell him i'll be his next visitor." danielle replied.

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