53. the black hood

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"fahrenheit 451, by one of my favorite authors, ray bradbury

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"fahrenheit 451, by one of my favorite authors, ray bradbury. let's start with the title. can anyone tell me it's significance?" mr. philips asked the class.

"what? damn it!" someone shouted, rushing out of class.

"people, there's a burning book on the cover." mr. philips said.

"fahrenheit 451 is the temperature at which paper burns." jughead explained.

"it was a pleasure to burn." madison added.

"indeed. thank you, mr... jones and ms... montgomery. and welcome to hell." mr. philips said as the bell rang.

jughead and madison went over to the teacher as everyone else rushed out.

"uh, hi, mr. philips?" madison asked.

"ms. montgomery." mr. philips replied.

"toni was telling jughead and i that you used to advice the school paper. we were just wondering what happened." madison asked him.

"drugs and gangs came to southside high. trying to get students interested in anything like the school paper was an exercise in futility." mr. philips explained.

"we're interested. we have too experience. when we were at riverdale high, i wrote for the blue and gold and madison was our photographer. we'll put in the work." jughead told him.

"your articles online?" mr. philips asked as jughead and madison nodded.

"i'll take a look, let you know." mr. philips replied.

"thank you mr. philips." madison said as her and jughead walked out of class.

madison went over to her locker and she saw a member of the ghoulies come near her.

"a pretty rich girl from the northside suddenly turns into a southside serpent so quickly. what's up with that princess? mommy and daddy not paying for your stuff?" the guy asked.

"how about you mind your own damn business ghoulie, you shouldn't mess with a montgomery especially one who's a serpent." madison said.

"that's right, and if i were you i'd walk away. now." andrew said coming behind madison.

"whatever man." the ghoulie said walking away.

"we make a pretty badass team, don't you think, my dear sister?" andrew asked her.

"i wouldn't get ahead of myself, brother. but yes, we do make an amazing team." madison said as the two of them walked to their next class.


that night when samantha was home, she saw that their was a letter on the table written to her. she picked it up and went up to her room.

she grabbed her letter opener and took out the folded piece of paper and started to read it.

hello samantha,

i am the man who shot fred andrews and your mother jessica montgomery. and as much as i'd love to tell you my name, i would like for you to just call me the black hood for now.

i know you're probably confused right about now, but don't worry my dear it'll all make sense over time. if you tell anyone about this letter i'll hurt someone you care about.

i'll keep in touch sammie.

- the black hood.

samantha dropped the letter and put her hand over her mouth. why would the black hood send her a letter?

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