73. hick town

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veronica, madison and betty went out into town while jughead, archie and andrew stayed over at the cabins

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veronica, madison and betty went out into town while jughead, archie and andrew stayed over at the cabins.

"so, maddie unless that was some seriously aggressive handholding i heard through the wall last night... when did that start?" veronica asked.

"oh, please ronnie, it's not just you and andrew." madison replied making betty laugh.

"hi, i'd like this, and this. and- oh, the last time i was here, you had the most scrumptious scones." veronica said to the cashier.

"yeah, my grandmas makes them, but just during the summer. for the summer people." he told veronica.

"oh. that's when we normally come up." veronica said pulling out her wallet to pay for her candles and some jam.

"ah. thought i recognized you. you got one of those places on shadow lake, right? but you're usually with your folks." he said.

"yeah, they're back in, um... i was about to say new york but we're in riverdale now." veronica said.

"that hick town? bet they don't even know what to do with you there." he said.

"no, they do not. what's your name, handsome?" veronica asked him.

"okay, enough flirting here." betty said.

"i'm cassidy." he replied as the three girls left the store.

"so, how has it been with jughead?" veronica asked.

"things have been nice." madison said.

"nice is not what i heard last night." veronica said as madison chuckled.

"i could say the same about you and andrew." madison said.

"touché, madison montgomery, touché." veronica replied.


they finally got back to the cabin and saw the boys were gathered around the table playing cards.

jughead walked outside when he got a phone call and they noticed he looked angry so they went to check up on him.

"first your dad buys the drive in, now he owns sunnyside trailer park. as i suspected, he is gobbling up the southside, piece by piece." jughead said.

"wait, slow down. mr. lodge is the one evicting people from the trailer park?" archie asked.

"no, technically he cleared us of our debts and revoked our evictions." jughead replied.

"does that mean you get to keep your trailer?" archie asked.

"yes. so, why ads you outraged?" veronica asked him.

"because it's a tactic. it's a smokescreen. pr 101. he's trying to buy my silence again." jughead ranted.

"good lord, jughead. how much of a narcissist are you?" veronica asked.

"jughead you wrote an article attacking mr. lodge, demanding that he makes amends. it sounds like that's what he's trying to do." archie said as jughead looked at madison to back him up but she shrugged.

"they do kind of have a point." betty said.

"look, jug, i know you love conspiracies, but take the win, bro, and let's celebrate." archie said.


that night they all started to play monopoly they were all just drinking wine and bonding.

betty's phone started ringing which made everyone turn to her.

"ew, it's my mom. should i answer it?" betty asked.

"no." everyone said.

"what if it's about chic? let me just." betty said walking away to answer the phone.

"guys." betty said coming back.

"everything okay?" archie asked her.

"no, actually. my mom is freaking out because hiram lodge just bought the riverdale register." betty said as everyone turned to veronica.

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