10. saving the twilight

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madison's outfit^^

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madison's outfit^^

madison went over to see her old friend josie mccoy

"hey jo." madison said leaning against her locker

"hey maddie, what's up?" she asked

"so you know about the drive-in right?" madison asked her, josie nodded in response

"well i was wondering if you could talk your mom into not tearing it down?" she questioned

"sorry madison no can do, she's really determined and when she's determined there's no changing her mind." josie told her

"well thanks anyway." madison said with a small smile

madison then went over to jughead who was passing out fliers and talking to archie

"she's not gonna write about me in grundy in the paper is she? like she did with chuck." archie said

"seriously archie do you know what you just said." madison questioned

jughead passed madison some filers and she was glad to pass them around

"trust me archie if anyone wanted to hurt you it wouldn't be betty." madison told him

"probably." her and jughead said

"oh my god." archie said

"kidding." jughead replied

"but archie what do you see with her long term?" madison asked

"yeah what do you want?" jughead asked

"ugh i want to be with her, i don't know why but i wanna hang on to what we have for as long as possible." archie said while jughead put up a filer while madison helped

"yeah i feel that, been trying to hold on to something a lot older than me too." jughead said referring to the drive-in

madison grabbed jugheads hand and gave him a reassuring smile

"just if betty is gonna do something crazy can you tell me so i can try and do something first?" archie asked


betty was interviewing mrs.grundy since she thought archie could possibly be in danger

once she started doing research she found out some interesting things

betty quickly found madison to tell her what she found out

"madison!" betty said causing madison and jughead to stop walking

"yeah betty?" madison said turning to face her

"i was doing some research and i found out there is no records of mrs.grundy before last year, the only geraldine grundy i found was an 80 year old woman who died." betty told her

"so grundy isn't grundy?" madison questioned as betty nodded

"i'm planning to go investigate wanna join?" betty asked

"actually i can't me and jughead are going to see mayor mccoy." madison said

"we are?" jughead questioned

"yes we are." madison said with a smile

betty then asked veronica to go with her to tell archie about grundy to which he told them to stop digging

while madison and jughead went to mayor mccoys office

"i'll wait out here." madison said to jughead as he kissed her cheek

"thank you for supporting me with this." jughead said

"i'll support you no matter what jug." madison told him placing her hand on the side of his face he smiled at her and went into the mayors office

once jughead walked out of her office madison looked up at him and raised her eyebrow and he shook his head

"i'm sorry juggie." madison said placing her hand on his shoulder

"we are going to talk to mr.andrews." jughead said as madison nodded

jughead placed his hand on madison's back and they got into her car and headed to andrews construction site

"mayor mccoy says you won the contract to tear down the drive-in." jughead explained

"i did. look, i'm sorry, jughead. i know how much you love the twilight. and so do i." fred said sitting down at this desk

"mr. andrews just give me one week, to track down the person who bought the land and convince them not to demolish a cinema." jughead begged

"it's a big contract for me, jug, and for my guys. whatever they build in place of the drive-in could mean more jobs." fred replied

"yeah, in what? some hypothetical future? you put one jones out of work. why don't you put out another, huh?" jughead said

"jug, your dad was taking materials from one of our job sites. i had to let him go." fred told him

"right." jughead said nodding his head

"did what you had to do." he said and it broke madison's heart to hear the emotion in his voice

"like you're doing here now? later." jughead said as he grabbed madison's hand

"thank you for your time mr.andrews." madison said

once they got back in the car madison turned to her boyfriend

"jug, why is this so important to you." madison asked

"i wanna tell you maddie, i do. but you won't look at me the same." jughead said looking down as he fiddled with his hands

"hey look at me." madison said placing her hands on his face so he could face her

"i'd never judge you over anything jug you can always talk to me." she told him

he leaned in and kissed her and they both felt magical in this moment like nothing else mattered but each other

"i live there." jughead said quietly

madison's eyes slowly met his and she grabbed his hand

"jug if you need a place to stay you can always stay with me." madison said

"would your parents be okay with that?" he asked

"i'd have to ask but i'm sure they'll say yes." madison replied

so now madison knowns about jugheads living situation, what do you think her parents will say?

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