2. rivervixens

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madison finally found jughead sitting by the cafeteria and they decided to go over to the spare classroom.

jughead pulled his macbook out of his backpack and turned it on.

he slid the computer over to madison and she smiled happily.

as her eyes skimmed the screen jughead became nervous of what she was thinking.

this was the girl he had liked for a while now and he could never have her because he wasn't the kind of guy madison montgomery would fall for.

"you're a really amazing writer jug." madison said as jughead let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"thanks, i'm just having trouble with the details considering i wasn't there when it all went down." jughead asked.

"yeah cause it's not like you could just go up to cheryl and ask." madison said with a laugh.

just then madison received a text from veronica saying that andrew was in trouble.

"andrew already got in trouble on the first day." madison groaned.

"you better go check on him, make sure he doesn't break another window." jughead chuckled.

last year a guy named jacob was hitting on madison after the numerous times she's told him to go away, and he got really angry and attempted to throw a chair at jacob only for the chair to go through the window and break it.

"i'll see you later?" madison asked standing from her seat.

"meet me at pops after school." jughead said with a small smile.

"i need to go to the dance and take some photos but once the after party starts i'll get sam to drop me off on the way." madison told him as he nodded.


"what did you do?" is the first question madison asked andrew who was sitting in a chair in the office.

"i may or may not have given chuck a broken nose." andrew said crossing his arms.

"andy i can handle myself." she told him.

"i know you can mads, i just wanna make sure you don't get hurt." he said as he got up and kissed his sisters head.

soon enough samantha came in and shut the door.

"what now andrew?" she said in annoyance.

"chuck was talking about madison so i shut him up

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"chuck was talking about madison so i shut him up." he told her with a smirk.

"by punching him?" she questioned.

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