95. part of a pact

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they brought archie and andrew to the bunker where they knew they would be safe.

"there. you are all patched up. now, don't make any sudden movements." toni told archie.

"i won't. thanks, toni." archie said.

"who did that to you, archie?" betty asked him.

"it was joaquin. he stabbed me. i think the warden made him do it." archie said.

"joaquin?" danielle said in shock.

"guys, where the hell are we?" andrew asked.

"you're in dilton doileys bunker." jughead said.

"the only people who know it exists are in this room. right now, it's the safest place in riverdale for you two, i promise." betty said.

"dilton doiley has a bunker?" archie asked.

"we'll catch you up to speed once you're rested, okay?" veronica said.

"archie? what is that on your hip?" betty asked him.

"courtesy of warden norton. to put me in my place, after we tried to escape the first time." archie said.

"the warden branded you, and ordered joaquin to stab you?" jughead asked.

"jug." madison said.

"can i have everyone attention? since my father saw madison and i, i need to go do some damage control on the home front. but someone needs to stay with them at all times." veronica said.

"ronnie, i don't need anyone-" andrew said but she cut him off and grabbed his hand.

"yes. you do." veronica said.

"you go ahead, v. jughead and i will take the first shift." madison said.

"excellent. now, equally important... everyone in this room is part of a pact. from this moment on, no one knows where this bunker is. no one was involved with that breakout. and no on  is aware of archie or andrews whereabouts. to the grave. capiche?" veronica said.

"ronnie, can i talk to you before you go?" andrew asked as she nodded and they walked to the corner, away from the others.

"what is it andykins?" veronica asked him.

"i just wanna thank you. you came back for me." andrew said as veronica pulled him into a kiss.

"i wasn't gonna leave you in there. i love you, andrew montgomery." veronica said as andrew smiled.

"it's been so long since i've heard those words leave your lips. i love you too, veronica lodge." andrew replied.


jughead and madison were sitting in silence in the bunker.

"they're finally asleep." jughead said.

"yeah, i think i'm gonna talk to andrew once he wakes up." madison said as jughead put his arm around her.

"but, jug. archie's burn mark." madison said.

"you mean his brand. looks a lot like a runic symbol from gryphons and gargoyles. he said the warden gave it to him." jughead said.

"betty also told me the warden called archie a red paladin. does that mean that the warden is also playing g&g?" madison asked her boyfriend.

"see? this is what i'm saying, maddie. this game is so much bigger than a couple kids playing. what if warden norton is the gargoyle king?" jughead asked as madison placed her hand on top of his.

"jug. before we dive back in... i think it's best for you to go home and get some rest. how long has it been since you've slept? just get a couple of hours at least, that's all i'm asking. i'll take this watch, okay?" madison said as jughead nodded and he got up and gave madison a kiss nodded he left.

"maddie?" she heard a voice say and she saw that andrew had woken up.

"andrew, you're awake." madison said walking over to him.

"yeah." andrew replied.

"look, i-" madison said sitting beside him.

"maddie, you don't have to apologize." andrew told her as she shock her head.

"no, i do. after you got locked up i wanted nothing more but to say i'm sorry and i love you." madison said as andrew pulled her into a hug.

"i love you, too." andrew replied.

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