35. left out

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veronica made her way up to andrews room because she was going to explain to him that her and archie were going to search fps trailer

veronica wanted to know if her dad had anything to do with jason's murder and since her father did deals with the serpents she had to make sure fp didn't know anything

veronica knocked on his door and he opened it and his jaw slightly dropped at the sight of her

"you look- wow." andrew said not able to find the words to describe her

veronica giggled and adjusted his tie "you look good too babe." she told him with a smile

"ronnie i can't let you do this alone, what if you get hurt tonight." andrew said

"then at least i'll know the truth." veronica said

"see that's the thing, you don't care about getting hurt. but you know how i'll feel. i'll be devastated. and if you die i will literally go out of my freaking mind. because death doesn't happen to you veronica. it happens to everyone around you. the people who are left standing at your funeral wondering how they're gonna spend the rest of their lives now without you in it." andrew ranted as it became clear to veronica he was no longer talking about her

she didn't say a word she just wrapped her arms around him and he did the same

"now let's go." andrew said grabbing her hand and they were out the door

once they arrived at fps trailer archie was already there

"andrew i just wanted to apologize for everything, look i was drunk and-"

"save it andrews, were good. but if you touch my girl again you'll be six feet underground." andrew said

veronicas heart skipped a beat when the words my girl left andrews mouth

"deal." archie said as he opened the door to the trailer

the three sleuths began their search


"you be a gentleman tonight alright?" fp said to his son

"don't worry mrs. jones he always is." madison said with a smile as jughead pulled up an umbrella over her head to protect her from the rain to which she smiled at him

"can you give us a minute mads?" jughead asked her

"of course, i'll take this." madison said grabbing the umbrella and then went over to the school to wait for him

jughead asked his father if he could move back in with him which he accepted but then their was just one downside

fp wanted to move to ohio to get jughead, his mom and jellybean back together

jughead was left with quite the choice to make. he wanted his family back together but he couldn't find it in his heart to leave madison montgomery the girl who stole his heart

jughead exited his father truck and immediately found madison and they went inside

"madison after the dance there's something i'd like to talk to you about. it has to do with my dad" jughead told her as they walked around the gym hand in hand

"is everything alright love?" she asked

"things are great, better than they've been in a while. i just kinda wanna figure something out together." jughead told her as she smiled


jessica and raymond had went to the dance since it was always the old high school reunion mixed with the homecoming

jessica had went to the bathroom and she saw alice and mary andrews

"well when i heard that mary andrews was coming to the dance i didn't think she'd bring two dates." alice said

"now now alice, i think it's quite interesting that she came with hermione and fred." jessica said

"fred's a grown man he can do as he pleases." mary argued

"agreed, don't you think alice?" jessica asked but alice's phone started ringing

"i have to take this." she said rushing out

"it was nice seeing you again mary." jessica told mary

"you too jessica." mary replied


madison and jughead were slow dancing and they both felt so peaceful in this moment

"i hate to ruin the moment but i need to talk to andrew." madison said with a giggle

"i'll be here." jughead said as madison kissed his cheek and went over to kevin who was dancing with joaquin

"hey kev, you seen drew anywhere?" she asked

"you all need tracking devices, i think i saw him go in the hall with archie and veronica maybe." kevin replied

"thanks." madison said

"before you get mad, let me explain." veronica said to betty

"explain what? that you're working with my mom and madisons mom behind our backs?" betty said

"i'm sorry, b, but you know fp had some kind of arrangement with my dad. i had to make sure it wasn't about jason blossom." veronica explained

"and what's your excuse red?" madison asked then everyone notice she was standing behind them

"i was looking out for jughead, in case fp was doing shady stuff to protect him." archie explained

"and your excuse?" madison asked turning to andrew

"blame me, maddie. i asked andrew to help me." veronica said

"help you do what? what did you three do?" betty asked

"guys. what's going on? why do i feel like i'm suddenly left out?" jughead asked

"do you wanna tell him or should i?" betty asked

new chapter! don't forget to show some love if you liked it.

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