45. toy car

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madisons outfit^^

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madisons outfit^^

betty and madison were with polly walking around the walls of the school

archie was catching up on his reading while andrew was with reggie in the student lounge

jughead was sitting alone at lunch until veronica decided to take a seat next to him

"you know we have more in common than i thought." veronica said to him

"why because my dad is going to prison and yours is getting out?" jughead asked

"i was going to say because we are both dating a montgomery but yes the prison thing too." veronica said

but their conversation was cut short when kevin came rushing in the cafeteria

"guys come on. its madisons locker it's bad." kevin rushed out causing veronica and jughead to follow behind kevin

"what's going on?" andrew asked walking into the cafeteria

"come with us." veronica said grabbing his hand and dragging him along with them

once they got there they saw madison looking straight at her locker that was cover with pages from her article which was covered in blood and it wrote go to hell serpent slut along with a small doll that resembled madison hanging from a noose

madison filled with rage went over to rip it all off her locker but andrew immediately grabbed her

"drew it's just a jerk with a can of spray paint it's fine!" madison said as andrew held onto her

"i don't think that's spray paint mads." andrew told her dragging her away from the scene considering everyone was watching them


after school madison agreed to walk home with jughead

"as long as you're with me or you're writing articles about me and my dad, troubles just gonna keep coming at you from all sides." jughead told her

"then i'll suffer the consequences and beside i'm sure it was just one jerk." madison replied grabbing his hand as they walked

"it's not just one jerk. it's mayor mccoy, it's sheriff keller, it's wheaterbee, it's social services. it's the entire multiverse telling me i don't belong here. so why don't i just do everyone a favor." jughead ranted causing madison to stop in her tracks and stand in front of him placing her hands in his

"hey don't do that. you belong here jug, just as much as everyone else does. this is your home. you get that don't you?" madison said now placing her hands on either side of his face causing him to nod

"yeah." jughead replied which didn't sound too convincing causing madison to move his face towards hers so she could look into his eyes

"yes." He said looking into her eyes as she smiled softly

"good." she replied looping her arm around his as they continued to walk


andrew went over to veronica's house after school so they could study together

"hey we never got a chance to talk about it after seeing the video." veronica said looking toward her boyfriend

"his dad shot him, ronnie. that's it. end of story." andrew replied as veronica gave him a frown

"but i know you andrew. you overthink until the thoughts consume you. so tell me what's on your mind." veronica said placing her hand on top of his

it scared veronica how she knew andrew better than he even knew himself and the same could be said for andrew he could always see right through veronica

"i just can't believe i've been going to that house while that sick man was living there. and jason lived under the same roof of his killer for years without even knowing it." andrew said

"he was my best friend ronnie. and now he's dead because of his own father." andrew said looking at his girlfriend

"sometimes really bad things happen to really amazing people. from what i heard jason was great." veronica said causing andrew to crack a smile

"he was the best. i remember one time i was upset because i had lost my toy car, it was my favorite because it had all of these cool features on it." andrew said with a laugh looking over at veronica who was smiling at him

"and the next day jason bought me a new car that looked just like it and that's when i knew we were going to be best friends." andrew finished

"because he bought you a toy?" veronica questioned with a laugh

"well yeah but also because he paid attention and noticed how upset i was after losing it. he showed he cared." andrew replied

hope you like this chapter! tell me what you think.

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