59. evolve or die

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"people have associated this school with the plagues of the southside, drugs, gangs, violence

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"people have associated this school with the plagues of the southside, drugs, gangs, violence. but, like the southside, there is a community here. and while the decay is real, it is not irreversible." mr. philips read from jugheads article.

"so, what did you think?" madison asked as her and jughead exchanged a look.

"i'm impressed, jughead. where did you find the time to put out an issue of that red and black while pledging the southside serpents? i'm not blind. we had a deal." mr. philips said.

"the serpents aren't what you think, sir." madison said.

"the serpents, they truly are a community, mr. philips." jughead said.

"a community of drug dealers." mr. philips replied.

"that's not the serpents. that's the ghoulies. that's my next article." jughead said.

"jughead, madison, when you said that you wanted to-" mr. philips began but he got cut off when jughead and madison's phones chimed.

archie had texted them to meet him outside right now. it seemed important.

"uh, will you excuse me? just two seconds. i'm sorry, mr. philips." jughead said.

"i as well must be excused, my apologies." madison said.

the two of them walked out into the hall and andrew walked over to them.

"what's with archie's text?" andrew asked.

"we don't know, yet." jughead replied.

"guys! guys." archie said running up to them.

"we gotta go, right now." archie told them.

"wait, why?" madison asked.

"what's going on?" andrew asked.

"what the hell are you doing here?" jughead asked him.

"mayor mccoys about to raid southside high. we gotta get you guys out. come on." archie said as the doors busted open.

mayor mccoy walked in with sheriff keller and a bunch of other deputies and they started to grab some students. mainly, the serpents.

archie, jughead and andrew were almost at the exit when they saw madison stopped.

"toni!" madison shouted when she saw her standing in the hall.

"hey, maddie, you wanna help her?" archie asked grabbing her arm.

"let go!" madison said trying to get to her.

"you can't do that from behind bars. come on!" archie said as they rushed out of the doors but madison, jughead and andrew watched.

they watched as sweet pea was taken and toni was put in handcuffs.

"this is getting too far." andrew said.


"jughead, calm down." archie said.

"calm down? archie, riverdale just became a police state." jughead shouted through pops.

"mccoys convinced the serpents are the ones dealing jingle jangle." archie said.

"when will they learn?" andrew asked letting out a sigh.

"serpents don't deal that stuff. the ghoulies do." jughead said.

"so, tell mayor mccoy that." archie said.

"as if she'd listen." madison said.

"oh, mayor mccoy. do you mean the mccoy that just arrested all my friends for no reason? why do you care anyway, man? i thought you and betty wanted nothing to do with us, right?" jughead said.

"i'm sorry about what happened, and how it happened." archie said as jugheads phone chimed again.

"we gotta go. tall boy wants to parley." jughead said as him, madison and andrew left archie alone at the booth.


jughead, madison and andrew went over to the location tall boy said to meet at.

"sit down, kids. business to discuss." tall boy said.

"tall boy, what the hell is this? where are we?" jughead asked.

"you're in my house. it's the house of the dead." a random guy said.

"and who would you be?" madison asked.

"take it easy, madison. malachai speaks for the ghoulies. the heat on us and our ranks depleted, our tribe need to unite, and that's gonna be easier to do if you all endorse this partnership." tall boy said.

"us?" andrew asked.

"you're the siblings of danielle. you're fps son. that carries weight, especially with our younger members." tall boy said.

madison and andrew looked at each other, tall boy didn't know that danielle was back.

"tall boy, they're the reason southside was even raided. them and their jingle jangle." jughead said pointing to malachai.

"chaos is how we thrive. you'd better get used to it." malachai replied.

"are you seriously gonna do this to my dad? you're supposed to be his right hand." jughead said.

"the northside declared war today. your old man ain't here to call the shots. and, yeah, i'm his right hand. that makes me de facto leader here and now. so... things are changing, jones. either you change with them... or suffer the consequences." tall boy said.

"evolve or die, baby. evolve or die." malachai said.

"you're hilarious, tall boy." they heard a voice said making them all turn.

"danielle. i thought you disappeared." tall boy said.

"that's correct, but, now i'm back. and as one of fps most loyal serpents i'd like to take into consideration how pissed off he'll be when he finds out you sided with the ghoulies." danielle said.

"come down, sweetheart." malachai said grabbing her hand.

"shove it, malachai." danielle replied pulling her hand away.

"anything for you, baby. you remember us?" malachai said.

"i remember making some stupid mistakes, you being one of them. now if you want me to keep this from fp, i suggest you all get the hell out of here, serpents." danielle said.

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