70. bronze head

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"do you veronica cecilia lodge, renounce satan and all evil works? and do you walk in the light of the lord?" the priest asked

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"do you veronica cecilia lodge, renounce satan and all evil works? and do you walk in the light of the lord?" the priest asked.

"i do." veronica replied.

after the confirmation, their was a party to celebrate veronica's accomplishment.

jughead found madison all alone and he walked over to her.

"are you alright? it's not like you to be all alone at a party." jughead told her.

"yeah, it's just. danielle is thinking about moving away again. god, we were so close to finally being all together again and i thought i was finally getting to know my sister." madison said as jughead placed his hand on top of hers.

"well, if it helps. i got a call saying someone had information about the pickens head." jughead told her as she looked up at him.

"you're amazing, jughead jones." madison said wrapping her arms behind his neck as she pulled him into a kiss.

"you're pretty amazing, too. madison montgomery." jughead replied with a smile on his face.


"your the kids looking for a head?" the man asked.

"if only we lived in a town where the answer could be no." jughead said.

"we are. and you've called to say you have it?" madison asked him.

"i've got nearly ten acres of scrap out there and i come across weird stuff all the time, but this is the first time i found a bronze head. it was stashed in an old refrigerator." the guy said showing us it was inside the bag.

"you didn't happen to see who dumped this? has anyone suspicious been around?" jughead asked.

"i get scavengers all the time. but there was a guy who came in last week. never seen him before. claimed he wanted bike parts, but he didn't buy anything." he explained.

"well, did you get his name? did you happen to see what he looked like?" madison asked.

"low life type. had on one of those jackets." the guy said pointing at madison's serpent jacket.

"by any chance, was this gentleman tall?" jughead asked.

"sure was." he replied.

"thank you so much sir. and as promised your reward. and since you've been incredibly helpful, i'll double it. 100 dollars for you." madison said passing it to the man.

"thank you, kindly." he said as madison smiled and they walked away, taking the head with them.

"this is how we stop danielle from leaving and getting kicked out of the serpents." madison said.


"stop the damn vote." fp said.

"fp?" danielle said.

"dani, you're not getting kicked out." fp told her as she nodded.

they sat tall boy down and showed him the head.

"what the hell were you doing at the dump last week, tall boy?" fp asked him.

"i don't know what you're talking about." tall boy replied.

"i'm talking about you cutting the head off the pickens statue and stashing it at the dump where you were seen, dumbass. so, start spilling." fp said raising his voice.

"why'd you do it, tall boy?" madison asked.

"whys the northsider here?" tall boy asked looking at betty.

"she's here, because she's one of us." jughead replied.

"you haven't answered maddie question: why'd you do it?" fp asked.

"because i am tired of seeing the serpents going soft under your rule. then hiram lodge came by, wanting to stir up trouble. he said if i took the head, he'd get mccoy and the cops to swarm all over us and cause some chaos." tall boy explained.

"so, hiram lodge asked you to start a mutiny and you helped him? why?" danielle asked.

"i figured it would be my chance to get rid of you, sunshine. for good this time. and if i got rid of her, i could get rid of you, too, fp." tall boy said.

"and then what, you'd become leader?" fp asked.

"he and penny. you're a judas, tall boy. and an idiot." jughead said.

"you betrayed your own kind, tall boy. you broke serpent law. what should we do with this lowlife?" fp asked.

"strip him of his jacket. exile him." jughead said.

"all those in favor?" fp asked as everyone raised their hand.

"look like this piece of trash and i got a long ride ahead of us." fp said.


madison and jughead were sitting on his couch in the trailer.

"good old hiram lodge. i wonder what he's planning for us. and the southside." jughead said.

"maybe ronnie will tell us on monday." madison said.

"yeah, maybe we should just investigate quietly until we know more. we haven't saved the trailer park yet." jughead said.

"danielle is on probation from the serpents, whatever that means." madison told him.

"but we stopped her from coming back. and we got rid of tall boy." jughead said.

"you said 'we'. but we make a pretty good team, don't we?" madison asked as she looked into his eyes and he looked back into hers.

"i remember when you told me you wanted to join the serpents, i thought i was going to have to protect you. but i didn't, you could handle it." jughead said as he admired his girlfriend.

"yeah. uh, i should probably head home." madison said.

"or you could stay. stay." jughead said as madison felt his hand on top of hers.

she looked over at her boyfriend and started to kiss him. she got on top of his lap, straddling him. she started to unbutton jugheads shirt and he unzipped her dress.

she knew one thing for sure, she wanted him. all of him. and he wanted all of her.

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