87. the deal

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everyone went to cheryl's pool party like they planned to

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everyone went to cheryl's pool party like they planned to.

madison walked over to jughead and wrapped her arms around him from behind.

"hey." jughead said before pulling her in for a kiss.

"i've been thinking a lot lately and i just miss the way things used to be." madison said as jughead held her waist.

"yeah, me too. hey, he's gonna be okay, maddie. even if he goes to prison they'll be serpents in there to protect him." jughead told her as she nodded.

she looked over and saw andrew talking to veronica and she looked back at jughead.

"excuse me a second." madison said walking over to her twin brother.

"hey, sorry. i need to borrow him for a sec, ronnie." madison said grabbing andrews hand and dragging him away from other people.

"what is it, mads?" andrew asked her.

"you didn't tell me about the serpents protecting you in prison. god, andrew you're acting like you've already given up." madison said.

"maybe you should too." andrew said as she shock her head.

"don't you get it? i can't." madison said.

"and why not!" andrew asked her.

"because! while you're in there with the serpents protecting you, who's gonna be out here protecting me!" madison said as andrews eyes softened.

he understood now. andrew had always been there to protect madison but if he went away she'd have no one. or so she felt that way.

"hey, hey, hey. you're not alone, maddie. prison or not, i won't let anyone hurt you." andrew said.

"knowing you gave up hurts me enough." madison said before she walked away from him.


the serpents found out that the ghoulies had kidnapped hot dog.

madison took jugheads hand and he looked down at her.

"what is it?" jughead asked his girlfriend seeing something was bothering her.

"last time you went against the ghoulies... i almost lost you, jug." she said softly as jughead placed his hand on her face.

"i'll be okay, madison. i'll come back to you this time, okay? i just need you to savor every moment you still have with your twin brother" jughead told her as he kissed her forehead.

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