61. snake charmer

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the black hood had left a letter on pop tates chock lit shope saying that the sugarman was dead and that he was going to container killing sinners.

madison and jughead were in his bed and jughead had his arms around the girl as he looked down at her.

"i just hope that whatever happens, sam and dani aren't gonna get hurt. the black hood is gonna try to come after dani and i can't let that happen." madison said as jughead looked at her.

"i mean, mr. philips was a high school teacher dealing drugs but they still think danielle deserves this. it's ridiculous." jughead said.

jugheads phone started to ring and he got up to answer it and later he said he had to leave.

"hey, i've got to go but i love you." jughead said pulling her into a kiss before he got dressed.

"i love you, too." madison replied before he left.


madison learned that jughead left that day so he could go make a deal with a snake charmer named penny peabody

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madison learned that jughead left that day so he could go make a deal with a snake charmer named penny peabody.

she also found out from archie that jughead, him and andrew went to deliver drugs for penny in greendale so jughead could help his father against the ghoulies while they were in prison.

madison went over to jugheads trailer and he let her inside and she looked at him and he could tell she was angry.

"you went to deliver drugs to greendale and you brought andrew involved?" madison asked.

"look, maddie i had to for my dad." jughead said.

"yeah, i get it jug, but you can't be involving my brother in a drug delivery while the black hood is running around killing sinners." madison said.

"yeah, i get it. i'll just tell penny that she has to leave andrew out of this." jughead said as madison became angry.

"wait, penny? you got involved with penny peabody?" madison asked.

"yeah, why?" jughead asked as madison got up and she kicked the wall.

"danielle told me about her, there's a reason they call her the snake charmer. it's not gonna be as easy as you think it is, getting rid of her." madison told her boyfriend.

"what do we do?" jughead asked.

"i have to talk to danielle." madison told him.


raymond and jessica were out to lunch with hiram and hermione and they started to talk about some gossip going around in riverdale.

"well, sources tell me that sheriff keller is having an affair." hiram said as the montgomerys became intrigued.

"isn't that some hot news." jessica said.

"rumors are, he's seeing mayor mccoy." hermione told them as jessica nodded.

"can't say i'm surprised, the town is full of sinners." raymond said.


madison had went back home to go talk to danielle and she found her out in the porch smoking a cigarette.

"dani, we've got a problem." madison said as danielle turned to look at her little sister.

"andrew told me about penny." danielle told her.

"then you know we have to stop her." madison said as danielle nodded.

"how are we gonna stop her?" madison asked as danielle took a long drag from her cigarette.

"i don't know, maddie. i don't know. they got in bed with the wrong snake charmer." danielle said letting out a sigh.

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