69. a cobra

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"i already invited andrew, but i want you guys to be there as well

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"i already invited andrew, but i want you guys to be there as well. usually these kinds of events, baptisms, confirmations, are family only. but since it's all about me and you guys are my chosen family, i pulled strings and reserved you a pew." veronica said.

veronica was going to have a conformation done with all of her family there.

"that sounds lovely, ronnie." madison said.

"what is the dress code?" kevin asked.

"catholic chic. so, dresses for the girls, veils optional. and coats and ties for the boys." veronica said.

"jughead jones, madison montgomery and betty cooper, please report to the principals office. jughead jones, madison montgomery and betty cooper to the principals office." they heard principal wheaterbee said.

the three of them went into the office and he began to speak.

"since your article attacking general pickens, among others, has come out... it's been a steady stream of outrage. most recently, hiram lodges lawyer, a mr. sowerberry, has called saying his clients considering legal action against the blue and gold." principal wheaterbee explained.

"on what grounds?" jughead asked.

"defamation of character, mr. jones. effective immediately, you three are all suspended from the newspaper staff. you have the day to clean out your personal things." principal wheaterbee said.

"you're making a grave mistake, principal wheaterbee." madison said before getting up from her seat and walking out.


"i'm so sorry, maddie. i don't care if they harass me at home or school, but you- you don't deserve this heat." jughead told her.

"wait, who's harassing you at home?" madison asked her boyfriend.

"sheriff keller. he has no proof, but he suspects one or more of the serpents, probably me, decapitated the statue of general pickens." jughead explained.

"well, did you?" madison asked him.

"mads, how-? why would i decapitate a bronze statue?" jughead asked.

"maybe for the same reason you wrote that article: to avenge toni's grandfather." madison said.


the serpents were lol at the wyth wrym because they had all received eviction notices.

"we all got the eviction noticed, but i swear to you, no one is going anywhere. the heats been on us since pickens day, and they are using that damn statue as an excuse to turn it up. but if we're gonna fix this, i gotta ask: is anyone in this room responsible for cutting off pickens head?" fp said.

"why don't you ask your son what he has to say?" tall boy asked.

"what is your problem with me, tall boy?" jughead asked.

"you wrote the article that started this mess. you and your posse fired the opening shot at pickens day." tall boy said.

"enough, tall boy." madison said.

"it was a peaceful protest." toni said.

"that accomplished nothing. so, what's to say you didn't go back that night with a ladder and hacksaw?" tall boy said.

"hey, we didn't do it. hell, tall boy... you're the tallest guy in this room. you wouldn't even need a ladder." jughead said getting in his face.

"jughead, tall boy, the last thing we need right now is to turn on each other. hey, we'll find a way out of this." fp said.


jughead and madison started to put out flyers to find the missing head

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jughead and madison started to put out flyers to find the missing head.

"jughead jones and madison montgomery. did you really think you'd seen the last of me?" penny said.

"what the hell?" madison said.

"what's the snake charmer doing here? dad?" jughead asked.

"no, i brought her in to help us." tall boy said.

"we don't need penny's kind of help." danielle said.

"you don't get a say anymore. not since you broke serpent law and hurt one of our own kind. penny was about to tell fp. show him, penny. show them all." tall boy said.

penny slammed her arm down on the table and showed her skin that was cut off her forearm.

"that used to be my serpent tattoo, until your son told danielle to slice my arm and left me bleeding in a ditch in greendale. but i'm still willing to help the serpents. tall boy showed me those eviction notices. they're legit. but, luckily, i can think of about 41 ways to stall the process. and i'm talking years." penny said.

"what's your price, penny?" fp asked her.

"blood for blood. an eye for an eye. i want back in with the serpents, and i want her kicked out. oh, yeah, one last thing. i want her tattoo carved off. and i want to do it myself. with a dirty knife." penny said looking straight at danielle.


danielle waited outside of the wyth wrym for fp to come out. when he did danielle walked over to him.

"so, what are they saying? they're not kicking me out right?" danielle asked him.

"there's gonna be a vote. you versus penny." fp told her.

"me versus her? oh, so they can't see what's gonna happen with penny back in the picture?" danielle asked him.

"penny's a cobra, but mutilating her? that's the kind of thing you don't come back from, dani." fp said.

"yeah, like stuffing a teenagers body in a freezer?" danielle replied.

"you know we were both involved in that." fp told her.

"yeah, and maybe i should've never came back to riverdale." danielle said walking away.

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