104. the keller boy

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andrew was smirking up at veronica who was straddling him. he pulled her into a kiss and all the sudden, veronica's phone started ringing.

"my moms calling." veronica said.

"answer it." andrew told her as she nodded.

"mom?" veronica said as she put the phone up to her ear.


madison and jughead were kissing in her bed both of them with their clothes off minus their underwear.

they pulled away from each other once they heard their phones ringing.

"it's my dad." jughead said reaching for his phone.

"it's my mom." madison said reaching for hers.

"hey, mom." madison said.

"hello?" jughead said.

"madison, where are you?" jessica asked her.


samantha found herself in a make out session with reggie mantle.

she removed his shirt and started to kiss his chest and kept going down when she heard her phone start ringing and so did his.

"it's my dad." reggie said as samantha's eyes widened.

"me too." samantha said as reggie looked up at her.

"why the hell is your dad calling you?" reggie asked her as she shock her head.

"what?" samantha asked as she answered the phone.

"hi, dad." reggie said.


danielle was rolling around the sheets of fangs fogartys bed and she was startling him.

"i've never been interested in anyone like this, forgarty." danielle told him.

"then, let's make it special." fangs replied as he smiled.

just as he reached up to kiss her, she heard her phone ringing and she saw that her mother was calling.

"it's my mother." danielle said as fangs looked up at her.

"mom?" she said.


"josie's with archie at fred's." sierra said.

"veronicas with andrew." hermoine said.

"madison is with jughead." jessica said.

"samantha is with reggie at our place." raymond said.

"and danielle is with fangs." jessica added.

"kevs not picking up." tom said.

"cheryl, you don't know where the keller boy is, do you?" penelope asked into the phone.

everyone quickly made their way over to the woods to find kevin and moose.

they finally got to them and saw the gargoyle gang surrounding them

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they finally got to them and saw the gargoyle gang surrounding them.

cheryl aimed her arrow, hitting it right in the gargoyle kings leg.

"drop the weapons!" fp shouted.

"don't move!" danielle shouted.

tom ran over to kevin and reggie went over to moose.

everyone started to unmask the other gargoyles.

"what the hell." madison said.

"they're from the rrotc. what? why?" kevin asked.

fp unmasked the king and mooses eyes went wide.

"dad?" he said.

toni and danielle looked over at each other not sure what to think.

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