99. the code

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"all right, serpents

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"all right, serpents. it's come to my attention that one of us has been dealing fizzle rocks. slinging dope is not what serpents do. so, from this moment on, we're going clean. there will be no selling or doing drugs. no crime of any kind will be tolerated. anyone that breaks the serpent code will be exiled. permanently." jughead said.

"does anyone have a problem with that?" danielle asked.

"i think it's pretty ridic that you vanish for a month on some vision quest with your bestie and your girlfriend twin brother, only to return and lecture us about responsibility." cheryl said.

"we got no money coming in, jug. i mean, how are we supposed to eat? survive?" fangs said.

"i get where you're coming from fangs, but dealing won't solve the problem." danielle said.

"we'll figure it out and get back to you, fangs. all of you. in the meantime... in unity there is strength." fp said as some of the other serpents said it back.

after the meeting, madison walked over to jughead and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"i wish we could get away from all of this." madison said before jughead chuckled and kissed her.

"i love you, maddie." jughead said with a small smile.

"i love you, juggie." madison replied smiling back.


the next night, jughead called another serpent meeting

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the next night, jughead called another serpent meeting.

"serpents. earlier today... i brokered a deal. got us a paid gig. from here on out, we'll be working security detail for veronica lodge, her speakeasy, and her employees." jughead told them.

"long live the serpents. whoo!" sweet pea said as they all cheered.

"settle down. i know it's good news for a change, but i've also gathered us here for less celebratory reasons. cheryl, toni. come up here." jughead said.

"excuse me? what did we do?" cheryl asked.

"you broke into the lodge apartment and stole a glamergé egg." jughead said as cheryl stood up.

"so what if we did?" cheryl asked as toni stood up as well.

"well, more than that, you left your calling card... attaching yourself, and, by extension, all of the serpents to your crime." jughead said.

"i'm not afraid of lodge. what's he gonna do? call the sheriff? oh, right, there is no sheriff." cheryl said.

"she's kind of right, jones." danielle said.

"dani, that's not the point. they broke the code. turn in your jackets and go." jughead told them.

"are you serious, jones? i'm a serpent by blood. you can't take that away from me." toni said.

"you hypocrite. you give your drug dealing buddy fangs a pass, but crucify us?" cheryl said.

"and in case you're wondering how we know, fangs told sweet pea, who told me." toni said.

"who told me. if you're asking for our jackets, shouldn't you be asking for his as well?" cheryl said as it went silent.

"jug." madison said.

"you're right. fangs, give me your jacket." jughead said.

"jones, what the hell." danielle said.

"hey, what the hell, man?" sweet pea said.

"it's okay, dani. sweet pea. some leader you are." fangs said throwing his jacket on the ground and sweet pea went after him.

"cheryl, toni?" jughead said.

"we'll go, but we're keeping our jackets." cheryl said.

"fine. but i need that egg back." jughead told them.

"come again?" cheryl asked.

"you need to give me that damn egg. or veronica won't give us the protection contract." jughead told her.

"why the hell would i care? i'm not a serpent anymore." cheryl said.

"because i believe that you still have honor, cheryl. and it's getting cold out, and the rest of us don't get to go back to thistlehouse." jughead said making cheryl cave.

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