58. put your cape away

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jessica and raymond were at an event to support the lodges

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jessica and raymond were at an event to support the lodges.

they were talking to hal, hiram and hermione and they saw alice walk over wearing a stunning and revealing outfit.

"alice-" hal tried.

"shove it, hal." alice replied walking away.

the black hood had forced betty to expose a mugshot of her mother from when she was a serpent and alice was ashamed.

"ladies and gentlemen, a new story begins in riverdale tonight, a story about reinvention and aspiration. this building will be the first chapter of that story. luxury apartments, shopping, and even a golf course. the southside as we know it will be gone, replaced with a new eden. so, let's raise our glasses to a brighter tomorrow. today, let's celebrate with a little music." hiram said.

afterwards the pussycats and veronica went on stage and sang.

"hirams plan to take down the southside might not work." jessica said to her husband.

"i wouldn't doubt that, my dear." raymond replied.


later that night betty and samantha were sent to a cabin over at fox forest by the black hood.

when they got there they found a present in on the floor with a ski mask inside of it.

the black hood told betty to put it on and made her look in the mirror.

he told betty that they were the same.

they quickly left when they heard that cheryl had almost been raped by nick.


"if you hadn't come when you did-" cheryl began as tears fell down her face.

"where the hell is he?" archie asked.

"you can put your cape away, archie. the pussycats already saved me." cheryl replied.

"i feel so sick about this. nicks a monster. and there's no way he hasn't done this before, probably right under my nose." veronica said.

"it's not your fault, veronica." betty said.

"it's nicks." samantha said.

"i wanna press charges. i want nick to pay. to suffer. to burn in hell." cheryl cried.

"maddie, why are you so quiet?" veronica asked her.

"because you're right, he has done it before." madison said.

"how do you know?" archie asked.

"because back in new york one summer, he did it to me." madison said as a tear fell down her face but she quickly wiped it away.

"nick is gonna pay, maddie. i swear he will." andrew said.


samantha was over at betty's house that night and then betty's phone started to ring, it was the black hood.

somehow he knew that betty had been telling archie that he was calling them. he also knew that madison knew about the letter.

"if you wanna save your sisters, give me another name. it'll be easier for me now since danielle came back to town." the black hood said.

"no, just leave danielle alone." samantha said.

"then give me another name. the name of someone guilty. come on, girls. one little name." the black hood said.

"i won't. we can't do that." betty said.

"then i'll kill both of your sisters, andrew, your mothers and your father, and everyone you hold dear." the black hood said.

"nick st. clair." samantha said.

"he's staying at the five seasons." betty said.

"see betty, i told you, we were the same." the black hood replied before he hung up.


after the black hood hung up samantha and betty quickly went to the five seasons and they ran over to nicks room.

"oh, my god." betty said as they saw nick standing there in a robe and his face was bruised up.

"what? here to finish what your little friend started?" nick asked them.

"you're alive." samantha said.

"yeah. and you tell that bitch veronica she's lucky i'm not pressing charges." nick said.

"nicholas, why aren't you dressed yet?" nicks father asked when he walked in the room.

"and who's this?" nicks mother asked looking over at samantha and betty.

"you're not safe here, okay? any of you." betty said.

"you need to go-" samantha began but stopped when she heard a knock at the door.

"nicholas st. clair?" sheriff keller said.

"he is, and i'm his father. is there a problem?" he asked.

"well, there's been a complaint made against him. he's gonna have to come down to the station. you and your wife, as well. you might wanna get dressed, son." sheriff keller said and nick went back into his room to change.

"should i ask what you two are doing here?" sheriff keller said.

"no sheriff, we just wanted to follow up." samantha explained.

"we're... making sure nick got what was coming to him." betty added.

"go home, girls." sheriff keller said.

while betty and samantha were walking back, the black hood called again.

"you didn't kill him." betty said.

"nick isn't one of riverdales sons. you've already given me the most wonderful gift. when you said nicks name. in that moment of nakedness, you let me see the real samantha and betty. and they were beautiful and righteous. judge, jury, executioner." the black hood said.

"what, no." samantha said.

"no. no, that's not- i'm- that's-" betty stuttered.

"now that i've seen your true selves, sam and betty, the real work can begin." the black hood replied.

"what do you mean-" betty said but they hung up again.

hey new update!! i won't be able to update till sunday or monday since i am going away for the weekend so i'll see y'all then

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