32. those pussycats

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madison outfit^^

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madison outfit^^

madison had gotten a ride to school with samantha while andrew stayed home not wanting to face everyone

"when i see archie i'm kicking his ass." madison muttered angrily

"and when i see veronica she's gonna pay." samantha said

"sammie, andrew asked me not to hurt veronica and i think it's best we listen to him." madison said

"why would he say that?" samantha asked

"because sam he's upset but he still loves her despite what she did." madison explained

"he's in it too deep." samantha said letting out a sigh

once the girls got to school samantha went over to her locker and madison was on the hunt for archie

veronica saw madison and quickly rushed after her

"i'm not talking to you veronica." madison said hearing the familiar sound of her heels hit the ground as she walked

"madison just hear me out please." veronica said as madison stopped walking and turned to face her

"no veronica you hear me out. you were the best thing to ever happen to andrew, after cheryl he thought love was pointless but guess what! he found you veronica. and i'd die before i let any girl hurt my brother again so bad he tries to kill himself." madison ranted as veronica was shocked by her words

"he tried to kill himself?" veronica said quietly as she felt tears in her eyes

"not like you care, you have archie now." madison said coldly while walking away

madison went into the blue and gold office to see betty and alice

while veronica went to talk to archie

veronica felt angry with herself she just lost the best thing to ever happen to her in a long time and she wasn't sure if she could ever get andrew back but she was going to try

"archie we have to talk." veronica said

"okay." he replied as veronica brought him in a classroom and shut the door

archie then tried to kiss her and then she put her head down as a way to say no

"veronica we kissed you can't just ignore that." archie said as veronica bite her lip remembering when andrew said the same thing to her

"we had a moment archie, in the process that moment caused me to cheat on the one person who'd never do anything to hurt me." veronica said

"this is about andrew?" archie questioned

"he tried to hurt himself archie, because of me." veronica said as she looked down to the ground


veronica went into the blue and gold office where madison, betty and her mom were

"oh, finally. close that door." alice said to veronica

"ladies, i need you to look around the room. whoever is not in this room is on the table as a possible murder suspect. including those pussycats." alice said

"mom." betty said

"now... let's talk about your father." alice said turning to veronica

"he has an epic grudge against the blossoms, so yes, it's totally within the realm of possibility that he hired someone from jail to kill jason, maybe jugheads dad." veronica said looking over at madison

"there's no way." madison replied

"my dad paid jugheads dad to trash the drive-in. maybe he paid him to-"

"commit murder. and for all we know that gay greaser serpent is an accomplice." alice said referring to joaquin

"and what are you basing that off of? that you saw fp and joaquin talking?" betty argued

"it didn't look like they were talking. it looked like they were conspiring." alice replied

"conspiring about what?" madison asked

"that's what i need you to find out, either through jughead or fp directly. without raising suspicion, of course. which is why i have prepared a seemingly innocuous list of questions." alice told madison holding up a sheet of paper

"mrs. cooper, i've already asked jughead directly if he thought his father had anything to do with jason's death and he said no. i believed him. i still believe him." madison said

"madison, you're too close to this." alice said

"well i am not going to stand by and watch as you all accuse my boyfriends father of being a possible murder suspect with no evidence to back it up. i want no part in this, this idea right here is shut down immediately. now if you would excuse me i have a dance to help prepare." madison said grabbing her backpack and rushing out of the room

little did madison know veronica was going to go behind her back and help mrs. cooper

new chapter! if you like it make sure to vote and comment:)

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